





My sister has a missing Knuckle. Her finger still works but it’s just short. from r/mildlyinteresting

2. 「そう、僕はドアよりも背が高い」

Yes I am taller than door. from r/mildlyinteresting

3. 「娘の額にある上向きの矢印」

My daughters birthmark is an up vote from r/mildlyinteresting


Me and some members of my family have this genetic mutation called Clinodactyly, our pinky fingers are bent inward from r/mildlyinteresting

5. 「私は左目だけ見えない。だから写真では左目は赤目にならない」

I’m partially blind in my left eye. It doesn’t show any “red eye” in photos from r/mildlyinteresting

6. 「半年間、白斑をそのままにしています。ユニークさを受け入れよう!」

6 months of letting the white streak grow out, embrace your patches! from r/Vitiligo

7. 「私は生まれつき、手にも足にも指紋がない」

I was born without finger or toe prints. from r/mildlyinteresting

8. 「生まれたばかりの息子には、頭からつま先まで白い『毛皮』が生えています」

My newborn son covered head to toe in white “fur” from r/mildlyinteresting

9. 「昨日会った新しいいとこは足の指が6本ある」

Met a new cousin yesterday with 6 toes from r/mildlyinteresting


I have a rare genetic condition called distichiasis (a double row of eyelashes). Sometimes they grow into my eyeball. from r/mildlyinteresting

11. 「私と息子の足。親指と人差し指の間の間隔が広いという同じ奇妙な遺伝的特徴がある」

My wife just gave birth to our firstborn, and me and my son both have the same weird genetic abnormality where we have an extra large space between our first and second toes from r/mildlyinteresting

12. 「娘の髪が抜け落ちて 小さなモヒカンになった」

My daughters hair is falling out leaving a little mohawk from r/mildlyinteresting

13. 「娘は左右のまつげの色が違う」

My daughter has different color eyelashes from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 4. 「私の手の親指は足の指のよう」

My thumbs are toes from r/mildlyinteresting


My friend’s mother has gray and green eyes with a birth mark in one of them from r/mildlyinteresting


My left hand has one less crease than my right hand. I don’t know why. It could be a genetic mutation, or a complication in the womb. Either way, it doesn’t really affect anything but it’s interesting. (mildly) from r/mildlyinteresting




プレビュー画像: ©reddit/u/StoibJr ©reddit/u/Wolfsaz