




1.  触るのもちょっと…な誤解を招くキーボード


This laptop keyboard with a white splatter-paint design, making it look like it’s covered in dust and dandruff. from r/CrappyDesign

2. わかっていても、使うのを躊躇するデザイン

I mean, of all the design choices, you chose this from r/CrappyDesign

3. 構造上仕方なかったんだろうけど…

A support pillar in the middle of the isle, there it’s a dead end, so you have to leave your shopping cart here and go around to take stuff. from r/CrappyDesign

4. なにその歩き方

That’s not how walking works from r/CrappyDesign

5. 新鮮なお肉も傷んで見えるパッケージ

Meat packaging that makes the product look mouldy from r/CrappyDesign

6. 「停車スイッチ」と「非常スイッチ」の点字がどうみても同じにしか見えない…

The Braille on the “ALARM” and “STOP” button on this bus are the same from r/CrappyDesign

7. 2年にわたる修復の末、この顔になって戻ってきた街のランドマークのシロクマ

Landmark in my town was gone for over 2 years due to restoration. This is what it looked like when it returned. from r/CrappyDesign

8. 丸見えですが

this damned toiled from r/CrappyDesign

9. サンプル画像、そのまま使ったな

this pillow at my grandparents house from r/CrappyDesign

10. 汚れがたまりまくるキッチンキャビネットのつまみ

The handles on my kitchen counters; they’re hard to grasp, hard to clean, and have a recess at the bottom that attracts crumbs and dust like crazy. There are 14 of them! from r/CrappyDesign

11. 恥ずかしがり屋さんのデートにはぴったり、対面席の相手の顔が見えないレストランのテーブル席

I love not being able to see the person I’m eating dinner with. from r/CrappyDesign

12. 普通の手の大きさではどう考えても親指が届かない握力エクササイズグッズ

My boyfriend’s finger exerciser has 5 buttons…buuuut…how does one get the thumb to reach? from r/CrappyDesign

13. 生理の時には見たくもない広告

Now that’s just a bad logo. Period. from r/CrappyDesign

14. どう使えと?

I can’t even find the right words to title this mess. from r/CrappyDesign

15. なにそのお洒落心

hmmm from r/hmmm


ヤバイ系デザインシリーズはこちらからも是非どうぞ! ↓



プレビュー画像: © Reddit/PlatinumSamVEVO © Reddit/MexPlay1337