




1. 「極端な寒波で休校。こんな日は彼女をブリトーのように巻き、モッツァレラスティックをあげるのが一番」

Classes canceled due to polar vortex. What else to do but wrap your GF like a burrito and feed her mozzarella sticks. from r/pics

2. 「私が彼を撮った写真と彼が私を撮った写真」

photos I take of my boyfriend vs photos he takes of me from r/funny


Prank war between me and my girlfriend. She’s going to kill me when she grabs her lunch in the morning. from r/funny

4. 「彼女の留守中に新しいシャワーカーテンをこっそり設置。僕が家にいるときにこのドッキリに気づいてくれたらいいんだけど」

Decided to surprise my girlfriend with a new shower curtain while she’s gone for the day. Hope I’m still home and not at work when she discovers it. from r/funny

5. 「クリスマスらしさが足りないと小言を言う叔母のために、叔父が作ったイルミネーション」

My aunt had been complaining they hadn’t been “festive” enough. I present to you my uncle’s masterpiece. from r/funny

6. 「新しいベッドフレームを作りたいと言っていた夫。私たちのベッドだとばかり思っていたら、猫用だった」

Husband said he was going to make a bed frame. I thought it was for our new mattress…. It was for the cat. from r/aww

7. 「1年たっても、ダイニングルームのコンセントにいたずらしたことに妻は気づいてくれない」

It has been a year, and my wife still has not noticed I changed the dining room outlet cover. from r/funny


When you have candles, but not the “right” ones for your wife’s 39th birthday. from r/pics

9. 「彼女と付き合って1周年のお祝い。二人はマッチングアプリで知り合ったので、最初の会話を毛布に印刷してもらった」

My girlfriend and I celebrated our 1-year anniversary. We met on tinder, so naturally I had our first conversation printed on a blanket. from r/Tinder

10. 「彼に面白いクリスマスツリーの飾りをリクエストした結果」

I told my fiancee that we needed to get a funny tree topper to offset the “adult” tree. He nailed it… from r/pics

11. 「シャワーを浴びている間に彼に服を選んでもらったら…」

I asked my bf to pick an outfit for me while I was in the shower…


Wife left me alone with the kids for the first time and after asking for an update I sent her this from r/funny


My wife forgot to leave for me the carseat to take our son to the babysitter’s house. This is the picture I sent when she asked how I was going to get him there. I then turned off my phone for the next 4 hours. from r/funny


プレビュー画像: © Reddit/goodlittleguy © Reddit/s-poon