






1. とても綺麗!


2 years HRT. Freedom. (MTF/35) from r/transtimelines

2. 満面の笑み


Never been this happy in my life and felt more true than I am feeling now!! My name is Kris and I’m 30yrs old and I’m FtM!! from r/trans

3. スタイリッシュでおしゃれ

It Gets Better” (よい時はきっとくる)-トランスの人々が辛い時に自らを奮い立たせる呪文です。

It gets better. 💕 (21 months HRT) from r/transtimelines

4. 自分自身へのゆっくりとした到達


2018 vs 2019 – before and after (FTM) from r/transtimelines

5. 今もお気に入りの服


Getting dangerously close to “stole my boyfriend’s hoodie” territory. 😂💕🌈 from r/transtimelines

6. 得たものは自信


Ftm, 14 to 23, 6 years on hormones and 5 years post top surgery in November. Never thought I’d live past 18 but I’m happily married and am the man I always dreamt of being. from r/transtimelines

7. 同じビーチでの1日


Taking selfies at the beach 2018 vs 2020. from r/transtimelines

8. 道のりは始まったばかり


FTM(19) here! I’m stoked to transition and can’t wait to post more updates! from r/transtimelines

9. 新しい1ページと新しい笑顔


Noticed I have freckles now, and I think they’re adorable. Started hormones in Oct 2015, came out socially in Dec 2018 🙂 from r/transtimelines

10. 自分を好きになる


3 years difference, 3,5 months on T. From when I tried my hardest to please other people to self care, acceptance and happiness. from r/transtimelines

11. 眼鏡が似合うのは変わらない


28, MTF — I started my transition 5 years ago this month! Time flies 🌈 from r/transtimelines

12. 安心して希望に満ちている


Same smile but this one’s real. Two years can make a helluva difference. (15 ftm) from r/transtimelines

13. 瞳がすべてを物語る


transitioning is so WILD. this shit is so cool. definitely the best decision i’ve ever made, hands down. 22, pre-hrt -> 26, 3 1/2 yrs hrt & ffs from r/transtimelines

14. 気分は最高


3 years ago in the summer vs. now 1yr1month on T! [FTM] from r/transtimelines



プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/Dial-A-Song