




1. 「この子はドラ。多分世界一フレンドリーな顔を持つ猫」

This is Dora and she has the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen on a cat. from r/aww

2. 「私の特別な子」


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Smush 🐈🍞 (@smushofficial) am

3. この瞳に世界はどう映るのか…?

My friend’s cat, full-derp and extra cute! from r/aww

4. ちょこんと佇む姿も可愛い


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Roo (@roothekangaroocat) am

5. 生まれつき前足はないけれど、いつも好奇心旺盛

This guy was born without front legs and has been a fighter since day one. He is extremely outgoing and a true inspiration

6. 別に驚いているわけではありません


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Kevin (@theadventuresofkev) am

7. 怖がり屋さんに見えるけど、実はとっても勇敢

Oh my GOD! Would you look at this dog?!

8. この目で見つめられたら、ダメと言えない


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Herman the cat 👀 (@exoticherman) am

9. 重傷を負って捨てられていたところを救われ、優しい飼い主に出会い幸せに暮らしています


10. まるで絵の中の猫みたい

This is my cat Matilda. Photo is not edited, these are her real eyes! Have you ever seen another cat like this? from r/catpictures

11. 怪我して以来、片目の瞳孔は開いたまま

So my cat hurt her eye and now one of her pupils stays this big all the time! from r/WTF

12. 片耳、ピン!

This is Vincent (van Gogh) the one-eared cat from r/aww

13. 海賊の相棒みたいなオーラ

Eff these other pages, here’s my cat please don’t be judgy, she’s disabled ❤️ from r/cats

14. 「施設から引き取って帰る車内で、こんな瞳で見つめられた」

Drove three hours to get this guy from a rescue today. from r/aww


プレビュー画像:©︎reddit/Naked_Burgered_Spa, ©︎Instagram/smushofficial