




1. 「1歳を迎えた娘と部分ヘアの歩みが愛おしくて仕方ない」

My baby girl turns 1 today. The progression of her wee patch of hair is adorable. from r/pics

2. ヘビが描き出す波打ち模様

🔥 Paradise Tree Snake from r/NatureIsFuckingLit

3. 筋骨隆々、肉球すら強そうなムキムキにゃんこ

4. ペトリ皿のバクテリアとのコラボ作

5. 台湾嘉義市で撮影されたSF映画のような美しい輪郭を描く日食

This photo of eclipse was taken in Chiayi,Taiwan from r/Damnthatsinteresting

6. コロラド州アスペンの白樺の木々

🔥 Curved Aspen Trees, Ophir, Colorado 🔥 from r/NatureIsFuckingLit

7. 「まるで黄昏の海のようなメノウのスライス」

Nice slice of agate I picked up today, reminds me of an ocean view from r/MineralPorn

8.  小道の風景

How the snow fell on this path. from r/mildlyinteresting

9. 雷の巨木

Lighting tree from r/pics

10. 虹色の蛍光色を塗ったかのようなユーカリの幹

The bark of a rainbow eucalyptus from r/TheAbditory

11. 「8年に一度、たった1日だけ開花してすぐにしおれてしまう世界一巨大な花。ちなみに腐った肉の匂いがする」

The corpse flower at my university is blooming. It’s the largest flower in the world. When it blooms, it smells like rotting meat. It took 8 years to get to this point and the bloom will only last a day or so before wilting. from r/interestingasfuck

12. 「影のイタズラで庭に現れた小さなエイリアン」

This shadow in my garden that looks like a little alien from r/mildlyinteresting

13. 「絶対にこのクモ、曲者だわ」

This spider has a face on its abdomen. from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 炎の中に現れた火の動物

Picture of a fire that my mom took looks like a fiery animal from r/mildlyinteresting

15. 日差しと影が生み出したシマシマ模様

16. 「今日引き取ったおばあちゃん猫」

Just adopted this little granny today. from r/cats

17. 神々しすぎ…頂上に光の冠を抱いたような入道雲

Giant Cumulus Cloud With Iridescence from r/atoptics

18. 美しき渦巻状のアロエ

ITAP of a perfectly symmetrical aloe plant. from r/itookapicture

19. たまった水の重さに耐えるクモの巣

This spider managed to spin a web that holds water!! from r/mildlyinteresting

20. インドのシミリパール国立公園で撮影された遺伝子異常でユニークな毛皮を持つトラ。

🔥 Black Tigers spotted on camera trap.⁣ ⁣ These pseudo-melanistic beauties can only be found in the Simlipal Tiger Reserve. from r/NatureIsFuckingLit



プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/DragonBap ©Twitter/SaintsNato