




1. 「姪は子どもの頃、親指の腱を切ってしまいました。それ以来動かすことができず、親指の関節にはシワが全くありません」

My niece snapped a tendon in her thumb as an infant and has never been able to bend it. It’s completely wrinkle free. from r/mildlyinteresting

2. 「遺伝的にへこんでいる私の左手の指の関節」

My genetically pushed back knuckles on my left hand from r/mildlyinteresting

3. 「彼女の髪には生まれつき素敵なハイライトがある」

Her birthmark created awesome highlights. from r/mildlyinteresting

4. 「左手の小指だけ1本シワが多いの」

I have an extra finger crease on my pinky but only on my left hand from r/mildlyinteresting

5. 「顔面の片側のみにできる白斑」

Vitiligo effecting one side of a mans face. from r/interestingasfuck

6. 「私は生まれつき合指症。つまり、指同士がくっついています」

I was born with syndactyly, which basically fused two of my toes together on both feet. from r/mildlyinteresting

7. 「虹彩異色症で青と茶に分かれた瞳」

Macro shot of my blue and brown eye from r/interestingasfuck

8. 「腕の傷跡には汚れがつかない。なぜだかわかる?傷跡部分は汗をかかないから」

9. 「私は3本指で生まれました。」

I was born missing my right pinky and thumb from r/pics

10. 「息子の後頭部にはそれぞれ反対方向に巻くつむじが2つある」

My son has symmetrical Hair Whorls which go in opposite directions. This allows him to grow a natural Mohawk. from r/mildlyinteresting


[Misc] Abnormally pruney fingers?? Every time I go swimming with anyone my hands are always 10x more wrinkly than anyone else’s. I’m a 19 year old boy with no wrinkles prior to getting in the water. from r/SkincareAddiction

12. 「左目が3分の1グレー」

My left eye is about 1/3 grey from r/mildlyinteresting


プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/jaqwan ©Reddit/OstrichBakedGhoul