





1. 「友達が撮ってくれたの。これは自己嫌悪を感じずに自分の姿を見ることができた最初の写真」

My bf took this picture of me and for the first time ever I looked at the pic and wasn’t disgusted. I’m to insecure to post this to my normal social media but I’m so happy to finally feel healthy, strong, and happy in my own skin! from r/happy

2. 「大好きなおばあちゃんは今日で96歳。ウクライナの飢饉を経験し、第二次世界大戦の強制収用所を生き延びたの。私が知る誰よりも強い女性」

My amazing grandmother turned 96 today! She survived the Holodomor in Ukraine, a German labor camp during WWII, and became a US citizen to start a new life for my family. Strongest woman I know. from r/happy

3. 「給料の高い仕事をやめて、パリでパティシエになった私の自慢の姉!」

This is my sister, she left her high demanding job to become a pastry chef in Paris. I’m so proud of her! (yes she made all that in a day in class) from r/happy

4. 「不妊治療4年目にして、ようやくできた赤ちゃん。今8ヶ月目。この子は私のお腹に耳をくっつけるのが大好きなの」

After four years of infertility, I’m 28 weeks pregnant. My dog, Arthur, loves to put his ear right on my belly. I think he can hear the baby’s heartbeat. And receive the occasional kick in the head. I’m so grateful, I never thought I’d be here. from r/happy


Im a dad who has had custody of my daughter since she was a baby. This was the first Halloween I’ve missed because I had to work. She went trick or treating with her grandparents tonight last minute. They bought costumes and sent me this pic. It made me really happy. from r/aww

6. 「3年も心をむしばむような関係を続けてきたけど、もうおしまい!猫を連れて300km以上を運転して、もうクタクタだけど、やっと息ができそう」

Completely exhausted after driving me and my cats over 2,000 miles to escape my 3 year long incredibly toxic relationship. The more miles I put behind me, the happier I got. I feel like I can breath again. from r/happy

7. 「この子の里親になるために2時間半も運転してきた。一緒に新しいスタートを踏み出そう」

Driving 2.5 hours tomorrow to adopt this sweet boy and start our new lives together! from r/happy

8. 「昨日、ひっそり結婚しました」

We had a secret wedding yesterday! It was perfect with just two of our favorite people with us. Some of my family are very upset with me as a result, but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. from r/happy


Not married, nor engaged, nor expecting a thing… just happy with this goofball. from r/happy

10. 「1ヶ月も行方不明だった猫が突然の帰宅。帰ってきてくれてありがとう。叫びたいほど嬉しい」


11. 「2年前にこの人と恋に落ちた。でも当時はお互い別の恋人がいた。先月彼女が私の町に引っ越してきて、また恋に落ちたんだ」

Had a crush on a friend for about two years now. She lived out of town and we were always dating other people. Last month she moved to my city, and we were both single. We made it official yesterday and I’m smitten! from r/happy

12. 「10ヶ月前に結婚してとても幸せ。好きな仕事をしているし、それから、このふわふわの毛むくじゃらの相棒とも一緒」

Happy because I’m at a place in my life I never thought I’d see. I’m 10 months sober, happily married, at a job I love and I have this fat grey idiot. It gets better y’all, never give up on life. from r/happy

13. 「2人でケーキを焼いたよ。娘は誇らしそう!」

She was so proud of the pies we made together. from r/happy

14. 「お気に入りのアヒルちゃんと安静に。風邪が早く治るといいね」

15. 「妻の帝王切開の手術中、麻酔科の医師が私の携帯で写真を撮ろうかと申し出てくれた。出産後、携帯の写真を見ていたら素晴らしい写真をたくさん撮ってくれていたことがわかった。息子が生まれて数秒後のこんなショットとかね」

During my wife’s c-section, an anesthesiologist offered to take pictures with my phone so I could focus on the birth. When I looked at the photos hours later, there were some amazing photos, including this gem taken seconds after my kid was born. from r/pics

