

【ドロドロの略奪愛?! 】飼い主からパートナーを奪うペットたち…昼ドラも真っ青な愛想劇15シーン





1. 恋する瞳…心変わりされた😭


I went away for 3 weeks, and now my cat is in love with my husband from r/aww

2. なんだその目は


When your boy is stealing your girl from r/aww

3. 蚊帳の外


My boyfriend and my cat have a special bond…. I feel like the third wheel. from r/funny

4. 楽しそうで何より


I was in another room and I heard my BF explaining a game to someone, by his voice he was really excited about it, but there was no one else in the apartment. When I went back to the room, this is what I saw. from r/aww

5. うっとり…


My cat absolutely adores my boyfriend from r/aww

6. そっちがいいんかい


Woke up to find my boyfriend and our dog sound asleep like this: from r/aww

7. 「待ちきれないニャ!」


This is how my cat waits for my boyfriend to come home. from r/funny

8. 「フン見たか、ご主人様(邪魔者)…」


Caught my GF taking selfies with my dog. The shade he throws me at the end hurt me… from r/funny

9. 「置いてかないで!」


Bf: ‘you’re paranoid, the cat definitely doesn’t love me more.’ Bf: closes door. Cat: from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

10. 相思相愛の眼差し


My beautiful gf has never looked at me this way… from r/aww

11. 本カノを差し置いて…


Daisy adores my boyfriend; I’m pretty sure he’s her boyfriend now, lol from r/aww

12. 一気に距離を縮めてきたか


My girlfriends dog and I the first night we met from r/aww

13. 「この、泥棒猫!」


I turn my back for 2 seconds and he’s trying to steal my girl and my food. from r/funny

14. 犬でよかったね


Caught my gf sleeping with my best friend. Decided a picture was better than waking them up! from r/aww



Every time Husband comes home and sits down, the girls are like this within minutes from r/aww


プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/sillykittyish