




1. お腹ぽっこり、妊娠中のリス

Saw a pregnant squirrel for the first time today. I’m not sure what I expected but this exceeds all of it. from r/pics

2. ちょっと健康への影響が心配、ピザを食すリス

My friend texted me saying she was watching a squirrel eat a pizza in a tree. I said, “Pics or it didn’t happen.” She replied with these…

3. 冬に備えてドングリをぎっしり貯蓄

A squirrel has been stuffing this sign post full of acorns for the winter from r/mildlyinteresting

4. 公園でマリオネットを使ってリスに餌をやる女性

Old woman uses a marionette of herself to feed squirrels in the park from r/aww

5. 「数日前、庭で弱ったリスの赤ちゃんを愛犬が発見。保護して面倒を見た父のそばから離れようとしない」

So the other day my dad called me and told me his golden retriever found a baby squirrel that was half alive in the yard. He rescued it and fed it. This is them a few days later. Now It won’t leave his side from r/aww

6. 「赤ちゃんリスがこんなに可愛いなんて!」

I’ve never seen a baby squirrel. I am not disappointed. from r/aww

7. 「小さなティーカップにクルミを入れてあげたら…」

I filled a tiny tea cup with some walnuts for my squirrel friend from r/aww

8. 尻尾がブロンド

This squirrel has a blond tail. from r/mildlyinteresting

9. お昼寝中のアルビノのリス

My wife just shot this pic of a sleepy albino squirrel from r/aww

10. 「入院先の病院で、毎朝この子が仲間と窓越しに遊びに来る」

I’m stuck in hospital right now and every morning this wee guy and his pals comes to my window. from r/aww

11. 「大ケガした赤ちゃんリスを保護。これが初写真」

We adopted a badly injured baby squirrel. Here’s one of the first photos of him. from r/aww

12.  4階の窓枠に作られたリスの巣

Russia, Squirrel Nest on the 4th Floor from r/squirrelproblems

13. 「アーモンドをもらいに毎日キッチンに遊びに来るこの子。このキュートな笑顔にすっかりメロメロ」

This is Judy. She (he?) comes to my kitchen window every day to get some almonds. I love her (him?) so much. That little smile makes me melt. from r/aww

14. 「リハビリ中の生後5〜7週目の赤ちゃんリス。初めての庭で日光浴」

This is Gary. I think 5-7 week old red squirrel. I’m rehabbing the little guy. His first time out in the yard. He loved it. Passed out in the sun. from r/squirrels

15. インドのカラフルなリス

Found him in Achankovil forest Kerala, India from r/PerfectMoment

16. 「リスのためのナッツバーを庭に作成」

I made a squirrel bar from r/woodworking

17. 腕組みポーズ

Defiant squirrel from r/funny

18. いい表情でパチリ!

When you totally surprise your new squirrel friend who visits you every day…with a selfie.

19. 「ニューヨークのリスが肩をトントンして『全部食べる気?』と聞いてくる」

New York squirrels will just tap you on your shoulder and ask “you gonna finish that?” from r/aww

20. 「餌をあげたリスが今度は日向ぼっこを始めた」

This squirrel we’ve been feeding has begun sunbathing on our deck table from r/aww



プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/QuaaludeDreams ©Reddit/Scoutmac22