




1. ドアが閉まっていると思ってクンクン鳴く我がワンコ

He was whining because it was “closed” from r/aww

2. 私のニャンコの寝相がおかしい件

I know cats like to sleep in weird positions, but this is probably the most ridiculous from r/pics

3. 降り方分からないのに木登りしてドヤ顔する我がワンコ

This is my dog, Bella. She climbs trees. :3 from r/aww

4. 🎵だ〜いすきなのは〜 お〜まえのおはな〜

Got ur nose from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

5. 寝てるとき白目を剥くのは俺の妹だけだと思ってた

My cat always sleeps like this from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

6. クリストファー・ノーランの映画ばりに重力に逆らいます

My dog can’t get gravity right from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

7. 足元をいつもギュッと抱きしめる

That’s me at work. One dogs really likes me and has no problem showing it multiple times a day. (My gf is the one that took this pic, she thinks it’s hilarious) from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

8. 白猫のハズがいつも床板の下に潜り込んで灰色猫になって返ってくる

This is Quinn. Her fur is normality white. It’s now grey because she decided to go underneath the floorboards. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

9. お皿フェチな我がワンコ

My little girl has a rather odd relationship with her food dish from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

10. カウチに証拠が残っているというのに、懲りずにカウチに飛び乗り続ける我がワンコ(そして素知らぬ顔)

Zeus jumped at the side of the couch. The couch remembers. He does not. from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

11. 魚だって昼寝するんだも〜ん

Do fish count? Little fella took a nap like this from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

12. 大胸筋をさり気なくアピールしてくる両親のワンコ

My parent’s dog, Copper, whenever he wants attention. from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

13. 電子レンジが開かニャい〜〜!

I can’t open the microwave from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

14. エア毛づくろいを続ける我がワンコ

It’s the thought that counts from r/AnimalsBeingDerps



プレビュー画像: / © Reddit/Boy_of_fan