



1. クモと初めてのご対面

He saw a spider for the first time. from r/aww

2. 初めて雪の上を歩いてこの顔

Her first time walking in show

3. 初めてのビーチ

First time visiting the ocean 😆🙄 from r/aww

4. 初めて犬を見た8ヶ月ニャンコの反応

My 8-month-old kitten’s reaction to seeing a dog for the first time. from r/aww

5. 初めての動物病院で

First time at the vet, she was such a good girl! from r/aww

6. ウェイトブランケットの寝心地を初めて知った愛犬の寝顔

My dog’s face after discovering a weighted blanket for the first time from r/aww

7. 初めての穴掘り体験、大変お気に召したらしい愛犬

This was the first time Zeus learned how to do his favourite thing, dig! from r/aww

8. 初めて赤ちゃんとご対面、匂いをかいで挨拶するアスペルガー患者介助犬

Pearl, my Aspergers service dog, sniffing my baby for the first time. 😍 from r/aww

9. 「兄弟犬が亡くなって初めてのお墓参り。愛犬のこの反応に言葉がなかった…」

Took Timber to see his brothers for the first time since they passed. Was at a loss of words when he did this. from r/pics

10. 初めてのバルコニーでこの顔

My special cat experiencing balcony / outdoors for the first time.

11. 初体験のプールが気に入ったらしい子犬

My puppy went into the pool all by herself for the first time 🙂 from r/aww

12. 室内猫の初めての外出

Brought my tortie outside for the first time.. from r/aww

13. 初めてのカメラ

First time seeing a camera

14. 初めて自力でキャットタワーに登ってご満悦な盲目の愛猫

my blind kitten climbed to the top of the cactus scratching post all by herself for the first time and she looks so proud from r/aww

15. 「初めての広い草原でこの顔!韓国から救出された犬です」

Her first time in a wide open grass field! (She is a rescue from Seoul, Korea) from r/aww

16. 「日本からオーストラリアへ愛犬と一緒に移住。生まれて初めてビーチを見た愛犬の顔に注目」

We moved back to Australia from Japan and brought our dog with us. This is her face after seeing a beach for the first time in her life.


プレビュー画像: ©reddit/u/manic_unicorn