




1. 「予定より11週早く、クリスマスイブに生まれた息子。さまざまな健康問題を抱え、鼻からチューブで栄養補給が必要。あと数ヶ月は退院できないけれど、こんなにかわいい生き物がいるなんて!心から愛してるよ」

This is my son. He was born 11 weeks early, on Christmas Eve. He has a TEF/EA, has had a collapsed lung, CMV, is fed through a port in his belly, and has had other issues but gosh darnit if he just isnt the cutest dang thing you will see today! Still in the NICU for a few months. I love this guy! from r/MadeMeSmile

2. 「1ヶ月前に天国に旅立ったパパ。私たちの間には問題もあったけど、この写真を見ると良い時代があったことを思い出す」

Dad died a month ago, we had our issues, but this picture reminds me there were once good times. from r/pics


Every Sunday, My husband takes our daughter grocery shopping to give me a break. They always bring me back flowers. Today, she stayed home with me, and my husband bought flowers for her. In case you can’t tell by the photo, she was very happy! from r/aww


My mother 1973-74 hugging her only son — me. I was adopted as an infant. from r/OldSchoolCool


My mother and me, 1984. Chilling on our brown couch. My mother is the coolest lady I know, she turns 60 today and she continues to inspire me to be a better person. from r/OldSchoolCool


1987 another picture of my Dad and me, on a camping trip. My mom really takes the best photos. from r/OldSchoolCool

7. 「1986年、カリフォルニアで祖母の髪を染めている母」

My mom dying my grandma’s hair in ’86 in California. from r/OldSchoolCool

8. 「ずっと娘を欲しがっていた夫。10年前にもう名前を決めていたくらい。この写真で、生まれたばかりの娘を腕に抱く夫の笑顔は、私の心をポッと温めてくれる」

My husband, who always wanted a little girl and who already had her name picked out 10 years ago, holding our newborn daughter. His smile in this picture is so wholesome it makes my heart happy. from r/MadeMeSmile

9. 「1982年頃、思いっきり遊んだ後の妻と娘」

Wife and daughter after a rough play session in about 1982. from r/OldSchoolCool


It’s Father’s Day in Australia. Here’s my dad and me in 1981 – he’s aged 30, I’m aged 3 – apparently this is his favourite photo of us. from r/OldSchoolCool


My daughter has had a hard time adjusting to a new little sister born a month ago. I took her out on a daddy daughter date tonight to reassure her that she’s still my little princess. from r/MadeMeSmile

12. 「今日は私の誕生日なので、母がこの写真を送ってくれた。バレエ公演のためには母が私にメイクをしているところ(1994年頃)」

Today is my birthday and my mom sent me this picture of her doing my makeup for a ballet recital, around 1994. from r/OldSchoolCool


My husband and one of our twin sons about 19 years ago. My husband passed away in 2014 when our sons were fifteen. We will treasure this picture. It just makes me smile. ❤️😊 from r/MadeMeSmile

14. 「1981年、西ドイツでの夫と息子」

My husband and son in West Germany. 1981 from r/OldSchoolCool


Me, absolutely wrecked on PS1 by my dad. from r/pics

16. 「1966年に祖父が母を手の上に乗せている写真。祖父は当時のいわゆる豪傑で、いつも仲間を笑顔にしてたと聞いている」

This is a picture of my grandfather holding my mother in 1966! I will always remember his stories, he was very different for his time and was always able to put a smile on anyone’s face! from r/OldSchoolCool


プレビュー画像: ©reddit/u/BigRed88m