





Porch Pirates


1. 「ドアを蹴られて壊されたので、新しいドアを注文したら…おい、どういうことだ(怒)」

2. 「レコードが届いた」

Looks like I won’t be listening to my new vinyl record. Thanks, USPS from r/mildlyinfuriating

3. 「ついに待望の4Kテレビが我が家に!」

My first 4k TV finally arrived! from r/Wellthatsucks

4. まず最初に置き配して…それから盗む配達員

This amazon delivery man who delivers a package and then steals it himself from r/iamatotalpieceofshit

5. とりあえず、玄関マット下に隠す気配りは分かった

Hopefully no one will notice the delivery… from r/funny

6. 「自宅にいたら、いつのまにか荷物が届いていた。でも玄関のドア、外開きなんですけど!」

This was just delivered. My door opens out.

7. 「なんだこの無駄梱包」

The way Amazon delivered my single nose ring from r/mildlyinfuriating

8. 「色々やらかしてくれる…」

Thanks, FedEx. Now I have a Sphinx. from r/mildlyinfuriating

9. 「5年かけてようやく修了…証書を配送員が水たまりに落とした」

Took me 5 years to get this diploma and USPS drops it in a puddle from r/Wellthatsucks

10. 「あえて、置き配窃盗ホイホイな置き方」

Might as well just stick a sign on it that says steal me… from r/mildlyinfuriating

11. ギュウギュウ

This is how our mail person chose to deliver our packages today from r/mildlyinfuriating

12. 「シードルが届いたよ」

How my apple cider arrived today… from r/mildlyinfuriating

13. 「イケアの棚が届いた。パーツが破壊された状態で」

Package of Ikea shelves delivered by Fedex like this. Wife even watched the guy throw it up onto the porch and ripped it. Just waved to her and left. 6 shelf pieces, every single one damaged. from r/mildlyinfuriating

14. 「ピーナッツバターでベトベトになったアマゾン商品」

My Amazon package arrived covered in peanut butter. Also a day late. from r/mildlyinfuriating

15. 「母が弟のクリスマスプレゼントにこっそり注文したら…なぜかご丁寧に箱がむき出しのまま、家の正面に置いてあった」

My mom ordered one of my little brothers biggest gifts for Christmas, Amazon thought it would be a good idea to send it with absolutely no box and have it delivered to the front of her house, completely spoiling the surprise from r/mildlyinfuriating

16. 「自宅の敷地内に配送品を放り投げて『配送完了』した宅配業者。今朝出勤しようとしたら…この光景」

UPS marked my package as ‘delivered’ after dumping it in the middle of my driveway. I found it when leaving for work this morning. from r/mildlyinfuriating

17. 「トイレの窓の隙間から配達物を投げ入れ。トイレの蓋が開いてなくて心底良かった…」

Soooo the amazon delivery guy decided to put a super expensive package through the toilet window…

18. 「先日トマトソースまみれの配送品に苦情を出したばかりなのに…」


19. 「注文したマグネットは多分、配送トラックのコンテナ内に張り付いてるはず…」

somewhere out there, a delivery truck has a magnet stuck to the inside wall.

20. 更に上を行く猛者!さすがはおそロシアの配送員

Mail delivery in Russia

