




1. トカゲのX線撮影方法

Damascus was a bad man at the vet and was very bitey so he got put in the lizard straight jacket for his x-rays from r/aww

2. 風がデザインした樹木

This tree shaped by the wind. from r/mildlyinteresting

3. 鳩にもカーリーヘアがいるのです

Curly feathered pigeon at the fair this summer. from r/mildlyinteresting

4. アルビノ(白子苗)のシダ植物

This white fern I found on my hike today from r/mildlyinteresting

5. イスラム帝国全盛期の金細工職人の道具箱

This goldsmith’s toolbox from the Islamic Golden Age from r/mildlyinteresting

6. 世界一高い超高層ビル「ブルジュ・ハリファ」から見下ろす、ジオラマのような街並み

Skyscrapers looking insignificant. View from the worlds tallest building from r/mildlyinteresting

7. ニュージーランド固有のキノコ「フトアミカゴタケ」

Weird geometric fungus from r/mildlyinteresting

8. 4人掛けシーソー

A seesaw for four from r/mildlyinteresting

9. ペットボトルに成型される前のプラスチック

Water bottle before being formed from r/mildlyinteresting

10. まるで落とし罠、腐った木の幹の内側。尖った棒のようなものは木の枝の跡。

The inside of this log rotted away except for the places where there were branches. from r/mildlyinteresting

11. ゴルフボールのようなキノコ

A mushroom in my yard looks exactly like a golf ball on a tee.

12. とにかく巨大!ガラパゴスゾウガメ

13. 遊び心のある電力線鉄塔

These clown-shaped power line towers alongside the M5 highway. from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 500度で焼くこと8時間、完全に炭化したピザ

Pizza Slice Carbonized After 8 Hrs In A 500 Degree Oven from r/mildlyinteresting

15. 巨大なウサ耳

Just resting my ears! from r/aww

16. 楽譜専用のタイプライター

This is a music typewriter: how music was typed before computers from r/Damnthatsinteresting

17. 「2匹の猫を引き取って早3年、猫のいる生活を物語るフェンスの柱」

This is what my mom’s fence post looks like three years after adopting two cats from r/mildlyinteresting

18. クワガタ様にちょっかいを出してはいけない


19. まるで宝石のような深緑色に輝くエミューの卵。ちなみに1個約600グラムの重さ。

20. どんな環境でも立派に枝を伸ばし成長した木

Found a tree growing through a stone wall. from r/mildlyinteresting


プレビュー画像:©︎reddit/fireysaje, ©︎reddit/her0nduck