




1. 「プレゼントでもらったばかりのおもちゃのドローンが犬の水ボウルに落下!ただいま応急処置中…」

Christmas toy, meet dog’s water bowl. Dog’s water bowl, meet Christmas toy. from r/Wellthatsucks

2. 全速力でオーブンに激突

Christmas dinner is ruined from r/funny

3. 折角のご馳走が…これは泣いてもいいかも

Well there goes Christmas lunch from r/australia

4. 猫なりに反省している模様

Merry Christmas from r/Wellthatsucks

5. 「毎年手作りのロブスター型チョコレートを送ってくれる叔母。今年はなぜか石鹸でした」

6. オーストリアならこんな招かざる客が来ることも…

I’m spending Christmas at my Australian GF’s parents place. Brushing my teeth in the morning I look up and this is what I see on the inside of the window. I love the weather here, but fuck that! from r/pics

7. 300ドルが…末っ子の仕業

My mom left $300 unattended, my nephew (special little kid) thought it was just papers. Merry Christmas mom. from r/pics

8. 「七面鳥の丸焼き、ナシになったから」

9. クリスマスの朝の出来事。絶叫するわ

My parents came home to their Christmas Tree this morning. from r/Wellthatsucks

10. 犯人も反省してることですし…

Brand new Christmas decorations, dog did not approve. from r/Wellthatsucks

11. ドイツの古き良き伝統、「使用後のツリーは窓から放り投げる」失敗例

Neighbor just tried to throw his Christmas tree from the balcony. Not sure where it should’ve landed ideally. from r/Wellthatsucks

12. なぜプラスチック容器に入れたまま焼いたのか…

13. クリスマスにこの仕打ち

Neighbor just tried to throw his Christmas tree from the balcony. Not sure where it should’ve landed ideally. from r/Wellthatsucks

14. 炭化したワッフル

Neighbor just tried to throw his Christmas tree from the balcony. Not sure where it should’ve landed ideally. from r/Wellthatsucks

15. プレゼントのテレビを早速設置、すると画面が不思議なことに

my Christmas present 😐 from r/Wellthatsucks


プレビュー画像:©︎reddit/AudsOrEvens, ©️reddit/Aiden2222