


1. 「どうやらスパイダーマンと戦ってきたようだ…」

Cat returns home after, what can only be assumed to be, a fight with Spider-Man. from r/pics

2. 「黒猫」という銘柄のワイン

“Black cat” is the name of the wine from r/aww

3. 獣医にて

At the vet’s office from r/cats

4. 飼い主とペットは似てくるとはいいますが…

had to look twice from r/funny

5. 「ニャッニャニ?!」

Those eyes from r/aww

6. 「手を上げろ!」猫の一発芸

7. 貼紙:「閉める前に猫の腕に注意」…油断も好きもない

When a cat runs to the fridge every time it opens, a sign is necessary from r/pics

8. 「整列だニャ」

On duty.

9. 愛犬を救出した男性…その背後で猫も(自力で)窓から脱出!

This man saved our dog. You can see our cat jumping out the window. from r/pics

10. ワルそうなお顔…

He’s having an identity crisis.. from r/aww

11. スイカを食べると、こうなる

Apparently watermelon is to cat fur as Cheetos dust is to fingers from r/aww

12. 思い立ったら即行動

We have two sane cats. Pushed our luck getting a third. from r/cats

13. 向こうからは見えてないつもり…

Cats from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

14. 誰かの鍵を盗んで帰宅

My cat just came back from one of her evening strolls with someone else’s keys in her mouth from r/funny

15. 孫の手で背中を掻いてもらうのが大好きすぎて、枯山水みたいになってる

He loves getting raked by the back scratcher. He is my zen garden from r/cats

16. 写真映えするポージングを熟知

Charm them with the old razzle dazzle from r/aww

17. 「娘のおもちゃのバスタブがお気に召したらしい」

One of our kittens only sleeps in my daughters doll bathtub… from r/aww

18. こっちの方がお気に召したようだ

Cat tent from r/funny

19. 「先住猫に新入り犬を紹介して1ヶ月、まだ寝るときの体勢は同じ」

About a month ago I introduced my new dog to my cat. Here’s how their relationship is progressing. from r/aww

20. 「浴室から夫の悲鳴が聞こえたので見に行ったら…こうなってた」

Heard my husband screaming while in the shower..walked in on this from r/CatsAreAssholes




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