




1. ま、まさか…ウナギネコ?!

2. ジャストフィーット!

When your cat arrives in the mail from r/cats

3. フフフ…このワザはどうだ?!

He can play Tetris from r/catsareliquid

4. ニャらば、この伸びはどうニャ?!

Found a weird reptile in my bathtub from r/misleadingthumbnails

5. いや、この液状化現象に敵うものはいニャイはず!

Salvador Dali’s cat from r/catsareliquid

6. フッ、尻尾で巧みにバランスを取ることを忘れるなよ…

My mother in law’s cat sits on the post like this and judges the neighbours from r/aww

7. 華麗に…ストレーッチ!

Whatever is comfy I guess from r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat

8. 尻尾の表現力も大事だニャ

Sunset sploot with bonus crossed paws and fancy tail from r/sploot

9. ポーチでの伸び寝は別格だニャ…

Our sunbathing cat Tiny melting on the porch from r/catsareliquid

10. フフフ…いつまでも猫のままだと思うなよ…

11. いい感じのそり具合だニャ

Shadow is my beautiful grey chonk, and Zelda is the weird noodle draped over her. This picture is a couple years old, from when Zelda was an adolescent spaghetti. (I also posted this pic in r/cats but it wouldn’t let me crosspost). from r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat

12. 溶け出てる

Compete liquid phase established! from r/catsareliquid

13. 爆睡中

14. いいかニャ?ヨガの基本てのはニャ…

Ok not sure what she’s trying to do here but it’s cute from r/sploot

15. フフフ…どこまでが足でどこからが尻尾か、当ててみるがよい!

After the popularity of the “longcat” meme in 2006, New Delhi scientist Itisha Catashnek began a highly controversial breeding program, injecting cat sperm with snake DNA. In 2015 she succeeded. Reddit, meet Manasha, the world’s first longcat loaf. from r/ShittyAnimalFacts




プレビュー画像: © Instagram/kissaubassard, © Reddit/xsited1