



1. 「手のひらサイズだニャ」

It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this with you. from r/aww

2. 「3日違いで生まれて、先週出会ってからずっとこんな感じ」

Born 3 days apart, met just last week, already best of friends from r/aww

3. 「獣医になって良かったこと: その3」

Benefits of being a Vet ;3 from r/aww

4. 「まるで、とっておきのジョークを披露して大満足、みたいな表情の愛猫」

My cat looks like he just told his favorite joke and he’s so proud of himself from r/aww

5. 「育児でクタクタ、キツキツでやんす…」

Dad passed out after a long day with the kids. from r/aww

6. 「31歳になり、イリノイ州で一番高齢ニャンコになったと聞かされる爺さん猫ティガー」

This is Tiger. He just turned 31. We are told he is the oldest cat in the state of Illinois from r/aww

7. 体格差が半端ない「こんにちは」🐴🐱

My girlfriends horse got a new friend from r/aww

8. 3兄弟の昼寝姿

Kitten wheel. from r/aww

9. 「地質学者として僻地で勤務しているんだけど、今朝宿舎を出たら後ろから鳴き声が。振り返るとこのチビが後を付いてきていて、僕によじ登ったかと思ったら速攻で眠ってしまった。多分、僕を飼い主認定したのかも。食べ物と水をあげたら、野外実験室で昼寝してる」

I work in remote areas as a geologist. Was leaving my camp this morning and heard mewing. Turned and this little fella followed me and climbed me and promptly fell asleep. I think I’ve been chosen. World, meet Spud. He’s asleep in my field lab now after wet food and water. from r/aww

10. 「母親の礼拝に毎回付き合う愛猫」

My cat keeping my mom company while she prays from r/aww

11. 「昨年7月に引き取った子猫カイラ。こんなに大きくなりました!」

Hey everyone! Back in July I posted our sweet little rescue, Kyra. Everyone asked to see her progress, well Reddit…Here she is in all of her glory! from r/aww

12. 相棒とまったり…

Just 5 more minutes! from r/aww

13. 耳の後ろにハートを二つ持つニャンコ

My kitten has hearts behind her ears! from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 「うっかり誰かに踏まれないように、母親がコーンを設置」

Mom was worried somebody would step on the cat, so she put cones around him. from r/aww

15. 父親:「あの野良猫に餌やるなよ」→父親:「家の裏に暖房付き猫小屋を作ったぞ、カメラ付きだからあの猫が毎晩無事に帰宅できてるかもチェックできるぞ」


Dad: We are not feeding that feral cat. Also Dad: I set up a heated cat house in the backward and put a camera so we can make sure she’s home safe every night. from r/dadswhodidnotwantpets

16. 「走行中に道路で見かけて救出した子」

Stopped my car in traffic to save this kitten. from r/aww


プレビュー画像: © reddit/u/smolprincess928 © reddit/u/andybee02