






1. 「2年前に引き取った猫のダイエット記録写真」

This is an old progress photo of a foster cat we had a couple years ago. Didn’t realize the sub existed back then! from r/dechonkers

2. 華麗なる変身

The only transformation pic I will allow from r/pics

3. おデブすぎて毛繕いもできず、汚れた体に息をするのもやっと…な状態から健康的な美猫に

Before – Fat, dirty, breathing problems, and unable to clean herself. Now – Blessed and highly favored. from r/dechonkers

4. スリムダウン!

Tommy Boy has been successfully dechonked from r/dechonkers

5. 親子かと思うくらいの変貌…

Big Tony is now Tiny Tony from r/dechonkers

6. 「2年前、10キロもあった最重量期から、8キロの現在。まだまだ減量予定」

Meet Hubert “Hoobastank” Stank. Left pic is from Jun 2018 and the right is from today. At his heaviest, he was 23 lbs. Now, he weighs about 18 lbs! He is part Maine Coon, which explains some of the bigness, but we’re slowly melting off all the extra ✌🏼 from r/dechonkers

7. 3年前の貫禄ボディと現在

Almost three years of dechonkin’ from r/dechonkers

8. もうおデブなんて言わせない!

Chonk Progress from r/Chonkers

9. アザラシ体型から猫体型へ

She’s proud of the post-diet bod. from r/cats

10. 9キロから6キロに!

He went from 20 to 14 pounds! from r/aww

11. 貫禄溢れる腰回りもスッキリ

Mr Weez. from r/dechonkers

12. 3,5キロも減量に成功!

Pete the cat, lost 8 lbs from r/dechonkers

13. 「もう顔デカなんて言わせないニャ」

Chasing the dog chased away the chonk!!!! from r/dechonkers

14. お腹周りもスッキリ!

Fine Boi status unlocked from r/dechonkers

15. 「8キロから5キロに減量、猫生活を満喫しています」

2 years ago, Dolly used to be a hospice cat. Today, she’s gone from 18 pounds to 12, and is living the life a cat should! from r/dechonkers

16. 「プヨプヨお腹におさらばだニャ」

Shes making some amazing progress, I’d say 🙂 from r/dechonkers

17. 「ダイエット成功後、すっかり活動的になった14歳の愛猫」

Antichonk from r/dechonkers

18. 「数年前に引き取った当時、肥満猫だったこの子。9,7キロの体重を半分以上減らすことに成功!」

Adopted this cute and (very) overweight kitty a few years ago, put him on a diet and now he’s less than half the weight of when I first got him! from r/aww

19. 座った時のおにぎりシェイプにサヨナラ!

Use to be chonk from r/dechonkers

20. 「おデブでも可愛かったけど、健康のためにダイエットを開始。食事管理で見事、健康体型に!」

Even though we loved our chonker girl, we knew she’d be happier healthy. After starting medication for her barbering, a prescription diet for weight loss, and a new feeding schedule, she’s a chonker no more! from r/dechonkers



プレビュー画像: © Reddit/Darbypark