






1. 「何週間もかけて、ようやく鬱の巣窟のようなガレージを片付けた。ゴミ袋55個分の物を寄付し、膨大なゴミを捨てた。1年ぶりにまたここに車を置くことができる」

I’m finally done clearing out my depression nest of a garage after weeks of hard work. I donated 55 trash bags full of stuff and threw away 12 cubic feet of garbage. I can park my car in there for the first time in a year. from r/oddlysatisfying

2. 「2020年は散々だったけど、試験にすべて合格して修士課程をようやく終え、大切な両親とお祝いすることできた。この写真は2人のオフィスにも飾られているはず。見るたびに笑顔になれる!」

After an awful 2020, I finally finished my Masters, passed all my CPA exams, and got to celebrate with my two favorite people. Got my parents print outs of this photo and it’s hanging in both their offices! Every time I look at it I smile. from r/MadeMeSmile

3. 「35歳で夢を叶えた。今日は私の教師としての初授業!」

35 years old and I accomplished a dream. Today was my first day teaching! from r/MadeMeSmile

4.  「2019年、会社のクリスマスパーティーで酔っ払って、次の年は体を鍛えると同僚と賭けをした。私は約束を守り賭けに勝った。自分が誇らしいよ」 

In 2019 I got way too drunk at the office Christmas party & bet my coworker that I would spend 2020 getting fit. I kept my promise and won the bet. I am proud. from r/MadeMeSmile

5. 「21ヶ月以上かけて、ようやく40,320ピースのパズルが完成!」

After 21.5 months, I finally completed my 40,320 piece puzzle! from r/happy

6. 「約1年半、必死に準備して、初の子ども向けの本を出版した僕の彼女。主役は我が家のトラブルメーカーの猫。名前が多すぎて猫の生活が混乱してしまう話!」

After about a year and a half of hard work, my girlfriend is finally publishing her first Children’s Book, starring none other than one of our little trouble makers! It’s a story about the confusing life of a Kitty with too many names! from r/happy


That’s my sweaty face after completing a 10K run midway through chemo. When the news of Corona hit the world I got breast cancer. I thought it would destroy me, but here I am. I’ve finished surgery, 10 chemo‘s and got 6 left. I think nothing can stop me now… only slow me down. from r/MadeMeSmile

8. 「妻が半年で3回も流産した後、父親になれるかかどうか長い間分からなかった。今日私の双子は1歳になった」

After three miscarriages in six months, and not knowing if I’d ever get to be a dad, my twins turned one today. from r/happy

9. 「午後いっぱいかかって近所のごみ拾い。袋が5つもいっぱいに!」

#Trashtag checking in from Ontario, Canada! Took me an afternoon but I managed to pick up 5 bags of trash from the roadside where I live! from r/pics

10. .「16歳のとき、進路相談で数学の成績が悪いから宇宙科学への進路は難しいと言われた。今、私は応用数学を卒業し、2週間後には宇宙科学と航空宇宙工学の勉強を始める。直感に従って、とにかくやってみて!」

At 16 my guidance counselor told me I wasn’t good enough at math to go into the space field. Just received my undergrad diploma in applied mathematics and in 2 weeks I start working on my masters in space sciences and engineering. Follow your gut and do the thing! from r/MadeMeSmile

11. 「今日、私は合計7台の車の下に逃げたこの子猫を救助しようと6時間を費やした。ご近所さん10人が助けてくれたおかげで捕まえることができた!」

Today I spent 6 hours trying to save this kitty who kept hiding in a total of 7 different cars. Was only possible with the help of like 10 people from my local community ❤️ from r/aww

12.  「10年来の友達だった彼女とやっと結婚した!」

I finally married the girl I’ve been friends with for over 10 years! from r/MadeMeSmile

13.  「久しぶりに、このシェルターにいるすべての犬が家を見つけた!」

14. 「親友の身体から癌がなくなった!16歳で半年間がんと闘ってきた。彼女を誇りに思う」

My bestfriend is officially cancer-free from today onwards! For 6 months she has been fighting her cancer at age 16. I am so proud of her! from r/MadeMeSmile

15. 「ダンス大会で優勝して1,000ドル(約10万円)を手に入れた!賞金があるなんて知らなかったから思わず泣いてしまった!」

I won a dance competition and $1000! I didn’t know there was a cash prize so here’s me crying my eyes out 😅 from r/MadeMeSmile


Fought depression for 6 years… now seeing my therapy dog and my newly born first child = happy from r/happy


プレビュー画像: ©reddit/u/Rosebudsi