





1. 背番号No.5の気味

My raw egg has the number 5 on its yolk from r/mildlyinteresting

2. 「午前5時に、何かが屋根に落ちたような大きな衝突音がした。すると先ほど、夫が地面に落ちてた羽毛の塊を発見」

※ おそらく猛禽に捕食された鳥の皮が乾燥して縮んだことよってボールのように丸い形状になった羽毛

Boise, ID. My husband and I heard a big crash at 5am,like something had fallen off the roof. He found this feather mass on the ground just now. Said it feels like it has a membrane inside of it? This is in our side yard, about 4 feet of gravel between a fence and the side of the house. from r/whatisthisthing

3. 「ビーチで見つけた奇妙な生き物。水に浮かんでゆっくり動いてる」

※ 熱帯から温帯の海に生息する外洋性のウミウシ「アオミノウミウシ」

Found on the sand in NSW, Australia. Slowly moving, floats in water. from r/whatisthisthing

4. 「リスを至近距離で撮影したら、リスの目にマツボックリを持った私の手が映ってる」

I photographed a squirrel so close that the reflection in its eye shows my phone and my hand with the pine nuts. from r/mildlyinteresting

5. 「トルネードみたいな雲」

This cloud that looks like a tornado. from r/mildlyinteresting

6. 指輪にいい感じで当たった日光が描くプリズム

Sunlight hitting her ring just right from r/mildlyinteresting

7. 「AirPodみたいな貝殻の一部」

I found a shell that looks like an AirPod from r/mildlyinteresting

8. 「着色ガラスの窓の影響で、まるで海中を進む飛行機みたい」

These tinted windows make it look like we’re in the ocean. from r/mildlyinteresting

9. 「樫の木から生える椰子の木」

This palm tree growing out of the middle of an oak tree. from r/mildlyinteresting

10. 大寒波に襲われたテキサスに咲く氷の花

Frozen flower I found in Austin during the Texas winter storm from r/mildlyinteresting

11. 「雪解け後の芝生」

What would cause my friends lawn to look like this after the snow melted from r/whatisthisthing

12. モコモコに泡立つ雲

Bubbly clouds from r/mildlyinteresting

13. 「霧雨が凍ってできた鶏小屋の氷のフェンス」

The way the drizzle froze to the chicken wire. from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 「氾濫した川が凍り、水が引いた後も木々に残る凍った水面」

The river by me flooded, then froze, then the water receded leaving these hovering ice shelves on the trees from r/mildlyinteresting

15. 「ペンシルベニア州を走行中に見つけた空に浮かぶ奇妙なサークル。現場の多くの人が写真を撮ってた」

※ 宇宙人からのメッセージのように見えますが、実は爆発した変圧器が作った煙の輪です

Driving through Erie PA. Weird circle in the sky. Lots of folks pulled over taking pics of it. from r/whatisthisthing

16. 「ハイイロオオカミが雪の上で寝た痕跡。肋骨の跡までくっきり残ってる!」

I found this print from where a gray wolf slept in the snow. You can even see her ribs! from r/mildlyinteresting


世にも珍しいビックリ光景はこちらからも是非ご覧ください ↓


プレビュー画像: ©reddit/u/Mycatischill ©reddit/u/Theheadandthefart