





My wife just gave birth to our firstborn, and me and my son both have the same weird genetic abnormality where we have an extra large space between our first and second toes from r/mildlyinteresting

2. 「私の右手薬指は、外が寒くなると無色透明になり、しびれます。私は極寒のカナダに住んでいます」

My right hand’s ring finger becomes colorless and numb when it’s cold outside. I’m living in icy Canada… ☹️ from r/mildlyinfuriating


The scar on my hand, from a skin transplant from my upper arm, gets more tanned than the rest


Seeking piercing recommendation for my weird ear shape. I’m new to piercings and your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks from r/piercing

5.  「ルームメイトの腕にある長い白い毛。彼はその毛に『ロング・ジョン・シルバー』と名前をつけている」

My housemates extra long silver arm hair. He calls it Long John Silver. from r/interestingasfuck

6. 「ガールフレンドの不思議な目」

My girlfriend’s eyes are weird from r/mildlyinteresting

7.  「右薬指の爪の下にアザができた」

A birthmark developed under the skin on my right ring finger where the nail i formed. It permanently colors the nail and leaves brown pinstripe the width of the birthmark.


I was born with one normal thumb and one toe thumb. from r/mildlyinteresting


I’m a tall, thin guy but have got cartoonishly short, wide feet. from r/WTF

10.  「目のなかにバースマークがある」

I have a birthmark in my eye from r/interestingasfuck

11.  「鼻中隔がなく、鼻がぺちゃんこになる」

I was born without a bridge in my nose from r/mildlyinteresting

12.  「白斑は冬から夏にかけてこのように変化する」

How my vitiligo changes from the winter to the summer from r/mildlyinteresting

13.  「片方の耳の軟骨がやわらかくて裏返すこともできる。 『エルフ耳』と呼んでいる。曾祖母も同じ耳だったらしい」

I have floppy cartilage in one of my ears, and can flip the cartilage inside out. i call it my elf ear. My great grandma could do the same thing. from r/mildlyinteresting

14.  「これは私の口蓋の下で育った余分な歯」

This tooth bud that was growing in the roof of my mouth from r/mildlyinteresting


I often get asked if I’m wearing contacts, even though I have my glasses on. from r/eyes


プレビュー画像: ©Imgur via Reddit/undefined_reference