




1. 山肌を枕に海のなかでリラックスしている巨人!

This woman seems as if she’s a giant lounging in the ocean on a large mountain. from r/mildlyinteresting

2.  観光客に挨拶する神殿の守り神?

Our tour guide took this photo of our group at Angkor Wat earlier today, thought it belonged here from r/confusing_perspective

3. ビーチバレーをするときは彼をぜひ助っ人として呼びたい。

A Giant at the Muscle Beach from r/illusionporn

4. 「おじいちゃん、森の中を歩き回る巨人みたい!」

My grandfather looks like a giant in this photo. from r/mildlyinteresting

5. 「もともと背の高い友人(2メートル以上)が目の錯覚でさらに巨大な魔人と化した写真を撮ってしまった」

Already tall (7ft or more) friend accidentally takes optical illusion photo from r/funny

6. 巨人の敷地に入ってきた勇敢な小さい人。

The optical illusion of this photograph makes it look like there is a micro-human next to my mate. from r/mildlyinteresting

7. 滝で懸垂をして体を鍛える巨人

A giant hanging from a waterfall. from r/confusing_perspective

8. 海からニューっと姿を現した巨人

We were taking photos one day on a beach in Mexico whilst on acid and this one really tripped us out. from r/pics

9. 1人だけ巨人のように見えてしまう

My brother looks like a fucking giant in this easter pic from r/mildlyinteresting

10. 大陸に腰掛け休息する巨人女性

My friend looks like a giant from r/mildlyinteresting

11. 「この写真を撮った後、彼女が巨大化していることに気づいた」

Took this photo, Later realized that she looked huge from r/pics


My boy climbing an old rotten tree stump looks like a giant climbing mountains. from r/pics

13. 時には照明も目の錯覚を起こす

The lighting at my schools talent show made this picture look photoshopped from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 巨大なおじさんと僕

The way my friends Uncle is sitting, makes him look like a giant! from r/mildlyinteresting

15.  ヒマラヤは座り心地が悪そう!

This picture of a friend hiking makes him look like a giant sitting amongst mountains from r/mildlyinteresting

16.  巨大な父さんと小さな子ども

Tiny kid, giant dad. from r/confusing_perspective

17. あぶない!家に寄りかかる巨人女性。

Beware the giant lady! from r/pics

18.  巨人カップル?この写真は加工されていません。

My friends look like giants. from r/mildlyinteresting

19. 森の中の巨人族たち

This photo makes me and my friends look like Giants in a forest. from r/pics

20. 「わぁ、離してくれ!」



プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/Ahowardusf