

【二度見必須!】あなたの脳を欺く 紛らわしすぎる15写真





1. 重力を無視するごみ収集箱

Here’s a gravity defying trash can from r/funny

2. ヒィッ!女の子の足が!…と思いきや、ポップコーンの袋を持ってた

Young girl posing with a bag of popcorn from r/confusing_perspective

3. 分かっていてもゾクゾクする

Cross posted from r/illusionporn, headless optical illusion from r/pics

4. セクシー女子の斜め後ろを歩く腕が長すぎる男子

Guy on the right has really long arms from r/confusing_perspective

5. えええ?!理解するのに数秒かかりました

So i spotted this optical illusion. from r/singapore

6. ドガガガガガっ!

Hard hat from r/confusing_perspective

7. お顔の向きが分かるまで、ちょっとしたホラー

My friends dog is an optical illusion… from r/pics

8. 所々雪が溶けて立体画像のように見えるコロラド東部の平坦な農園地帯

This is flat farmland in Eastern Colorado with wind blown/melted patches of snow creating a crazy 3D illusion. from r/pics

9. 混乱を招きまくる、鏡のフェンス

Illusion from r/pics

10. 思わずフフッてなる

I thought dogs and giraffes were too different to create viable offspring together- how rare is this in the wild? from r/shittyaskscience

11. ベンチシシートに腰掛ける二つの顔を持つ男性

PsBattle: A Soccer coaches head merges with another person behind him to make a weird “one headed” optical illusion from r/photoshopbattles

12. まるで鏡のよう…穏やかすぎる水面

When the water is so still it makes an optical illusion from r/pics

13. どっちを投げているのか、判別に数秒かかる

Nice optical illusion (for those who can spot it). from r/pics

14. 象の顔なのか、それとも牛の顔なのか?

Eleph or cow head?? Optical illusion from r/pics

15. 紛らわしい休憩ポーズ

You had to look twice huh.



プレビュー画像: © reddit/u/harshBanjare © reddit/u/shellybean23