





1. 一体なんでそうなったの?

“I’ve made a huge mistake” from r/funny

2. ジャン=クロード・ニャン・ダム?

3. クリネックスのカオナシ?

I hear my cat crying in the bathroom, walking in, I see this. from r/pics

4. 網戸を移動しただけなのに、ドアがそっちに移っちゃったと勘違いするネコちゃん

Putting in screen doors for warmer weather, my cat thinks I moved the door. from r/funny

5. ハタキを盗もうとするが、いつもこのステップでつまずくネコちゃん

My cat keeps trying to steal the feather duster, luckily he never gets too far… from r/pics

6. ほんの数秒の間に…?!

I’ve made a huge mistake. from r/funny

7. ジャミラ?!

my cat, when she realizes she’s stuck from r/funny

8. なぜこうなった

My wife just texted me this picture of our cat from her potato phone. from r/funny

9. デブりすぎたかも…

My cat may be getting too fat… from r/funny

10. 猫よけになると思って吊るしたのに…

The girlfriend was sure that hanging plants was the solution to keep them away from the cat. Challenge accepted. from r/aww

11. いつもこうやって飼い主の帰りを待ってるそうです

This is how my cat waits for my husband to come home from r/aww

12. (ネコの)収納力バツグン!

13. だ…誰だお主は?!

14. え…物干し竿にかけてほしいの?


プレビュー画像:  © Reddit/familiarplanets © Instagram/dumbcatsru