


薄暗い室内で不気味な影を見てゾッとした経験はありませんか? よく見ると、窓に映った木の陰や、衣類やシーツ類だったりと、なんの変哲も無いものだった…ありがちなことです。


1. 「ヘアクリップ、置き忘れちゃった」

2. 「友達の家の横にあったコレを見て、死ぬほど怖かった」

This was on the side of my friends house, scared the crap out of me from r/creepy

3. 「彼女の濡れた靴の乾かし方。怖いんですけど…」

My friend’s way of drying shoes scared me a bit. I thought she was hanging out her 11th floor window from r/funny

4. 「心臓に悪すぎる服の掛け方」

5. 「トランポリンの穴に頭がハマったらしい…心臓に悪すぎるから本当にやめて」

Had a mini heart attack when I looked up n saw this. Trampoline developed a hole. She thought it was hilarious. from r/funny

6. 「招かれざる不気味な来客…ではなくて、妻が椅子に掛けて乾かそうとしているカバー」

My wife tossed a comforter on a chair to dry, I nearly had a heart attack from r/pics

7. 「帰宅した瞬間、毛布を見て恐怖に固まった。自分でやったくせにね」

Walked into my room and saw that my pillows and blanket had tangled up like this. I almost had a heart attack. from r/pics

8. 「自ら外に置いたブーツを見て、恐怖に固まる」

I left my boots at the back door. When I was walking back outside I nearly had a heart attack. from r/pics

9. 「ヒィイ!紛らわしい!」

Scared the crap out of me this morning. from r/funny

10. 「ベッドでうなだれる暗い影…→ああ、リュックそこに置いたままだったっけ」

Came home late and found this sitting on the edge of my bed. I now know what it’s like to be too scared to move. from r/creepy

11. 「私のパーカーを母が洗濯すると…干し方がホラーに」

My mom washed my snuggie and hung it up in my room, almost had a heart attack. from r/pics

12. 恐怖心を煽るクルミ

Was eating a packet of walnuts when I happened to notice this…almost had a heart attack from r/pics

13. 「寝室の外に佇むのは…なんてことのない植木」

The shadow from this tree scared me. from r/creepy

14. 心臓に悪すぎる!地下室に干されたフルドライスーツ

Hung my hip waders up in the basement yesterday. Scared the shit out of my wife when she went to go down there. from r/funny

15. 防犯?何目的?後続車にとっては恐怖でしかない不気味な内装

almost had a heart attack


プレビュー画像:©︎Facebook/Your Singing Nurse