


1. ヘビースモーカーの車 vs スチームクリーナー…😱!

Something different, my friend wet vacuumed the roof of a customers car who was a smoker. [717×690] from r/powerwashingporn

2.  こんなに汚れてたなんて…

Perfection of my back porch steps. [1080×1080] from r/powerwashingporn

3. 「浴槽のビフォー&アフター。ちなみに高圧洗浄機は手動」←翌日筋肉痛間違いなし

It’s finally Wednesday! Before and After bathroom cleaning. The power washer was my arm… from r/powerwashingporn

4. 高圧洗浄すごすぎ…

Before and and after power washing from r/powerwashingporn

5. なぜこっち側は放置なのかが気になる

Church of Notre Dame in NYC: power washing porn or nightmare? I have this horrible feeling they think they’re done…. [OC][2592×1944] from r/powerwashingporn

6. 16年分の汚れを一掃!

I power washed a garden bench the wife gave me 16 years ago. from r/oddlysatisfying

7. まるでペンキ塗りたて!

Today the fence, tomorrow the world from r/powerwashingporn

8. 市松模様にしてみた

Long winter [2047 × 1535] [OC] from r/powerwashingporn

9. とりあえず半分キレイにしてみた

Half-and-half of my white cast iron garden table [960×540] from r/powerwashingporn

10. 「病みつきになりそう」

My first go at power washing. I think I’m hooked. from r/powerwashingporn

11. 清掃中のシュー・ド・クレテイユ

Washing a Choux de Créteil tower in France [617×450] from r/powerwashingporn

12. ドアハンドルの本当の色

I polished my door handles and discovered they were brass! I originally set out just to get the paint off of the handle from the previous owner, but it turned out to be an even more satisfying result. from r/powerwashingporn

13. テニスコートの元の色

After a hard days work on a tennis court! from r/powerwashingporn

14. 洗浄する家を間違えたクリーニング業者

The powerwashers realised they got the wrong house, but at least we got a free sample from r/powerwashingporn

15. SNES(アメリカ版スーパーファミコン)を2時間かけてキレイに

I cleaned up this SNES, inside and out. Took about 4 hours. Here’s a before/after.

16. 全然違う!

Love results like this, especially in 2 hrs total time from r/powerwashingporn

17. 誰かが大学の建物に水圧洗浄機で絵を描いたようだ

Some powerwashing art on campus [4032×3024] from r/powerwashingporn

18. 窓からの眺めが全然違うはず

Post-construction Window Cleaning from r/oddlysatisfying

19. まるで石を新しく貼り替えたみたい!

A decade of moss and dirt removed! from r/powerwashingporn

20. 清掃しながら余裕で落書き

Tribute amongst the grime from r/powerwashingporn



プレビュー画像: © Reddit/H145 © Reddit/baileyroseh