



1. 生まれた時からずっと一緒

These two have been twinning non-stop since birth from r/aww

2. 愛用の猫ベッド、使い始めた頃と2年後

First time in her cat bed vs 2 years later from r/FromKittenToCat

3. 生後3ヶ月と3歳

Theodore’s birthday! 3 months to 3 years. from r/cats

4. 生後6週目と生後8ヶ月

6 weeks and 8 months from r/aww

5. 1998年→2018年

1998 ➡️ 2018 from r/FromKittenToCat

6. 同じ場所で同じ猫、2年の月日を隔てて

same spot, same cat, two years difference from r/aww

7. 「2019年7月からお気に入りのテーブルだけど、なぜか小さくなった気がするニャ」

Since July 2019, the table has inexplicably gotten smaller. from r/FromKittenToCat

8. よりフワフワに

From a little floof to a lot of floof from r/FromKittenToCat


Pic of me and my cat in 2001 vs 2021 from r/aww

10. サイズは随分変わったけど、穏やかな寝顔は同じ

Smile stayed the same. Size not so much. from r/FromKittenToCat

11. 8ヶ月でこの変化

Have you ever look at an old photo of your kitten and wonder “What happened??” Mimi and Mochi 8 months later. from r/FromKittenToCat

12. スーパーモデルにゃんこへ、美しく変貌

Nimbus leveled up from Crinkled Tissue to Supermodel from r/aww

13. キメラ猫、ビフォー&アフター

Chimera kitten to cat from r/FromKittenToCat

14. 驚きの美猫へ!

Before and After. What a transformation! ❤ from r/aww

15. 3年の歳月

3 years later and this little man is all grown up! Say hi to Loki! from r/aww

16. 路上で保護された当時と1年後

I rescued the cat off the street. Photos before and after. One year difference. 🙂 from r/aww


猫尽くし記事はこちらからも是非ごらんください ↓

プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/999monkeys