



1. 「昨日、生まれた息子。心臓に異常があり、すぐに新生児集中治療室に入ることに。今日、妻は息子を初めて抱っこすることができた」

My son was born yesterday and rushed to the NICU to care for a congenital heart defect. Today my wife got to hold him for the first time. from r/pics

© Imgur via Reddit/joshferrera

2. どれだけ年齢を重ねても海は楽しいもの。施設の入居者を楽しませようとするスタッフの笑顔も優しい。

A senior citizen care facility that really cares. from r/aww

3. 「帰省中に誕生日を祝ってもらった。その日の父と私の昼寝風景。叔父が撮ってくれたこの写真がとても気に入っている」

Went home for the holidays and my birthday; my dad and I fell asleep. love so much this pic my uncle took of us from r/pics

4.  COVID­-19から回復した患者にバルセロナの海の景色を見せる病院スタッフたち。

Recovering patients are being taken across the street to admire the view of the seaside in Barcelona from r/humansbeingheroes

5. 「うちの犬は30分おきに赤ん坊の様子を見に行ってくれる」

He has been checking on her twice an hour for over a week now. from r/aww


Finally done with chemo for testicular cancer! Best birthday gift ever. from r/pics

7. 「幼稚園が閉鎖され、何ヶ月も会っていなかった親友。久しぶりの再会を楽しんだ後の別れのとき」

Hadn’t seen each other since daycare closed, parents arranged a playdate. When it was time to leave: from r/pics

8. 新しい髪の色に大はしゃぎのおばあちゃん。

This grandma’s wholesome reaction to her newly dyed hair from r/HumansBeingCute


Our goat lost her mother when she was very young, since then her and our llama have been inseparable from r/AnimalsBeingBros

10. 「6ヵ月のうちに2度も職を失い、家族と小さなアパートに引っ越して、嫌いな仕事をしていました。ようやく天職を見つけて夢の家を購入。バスタブ付き!」

After getting laid off twice in six months, and moving my family to a crammed apartment in a new city for a job I didn’t like, I’m now at a job I love and buying my dream home. It has a bathtub. from r/happy

11. 「自分の子犬との初めての対面」

my boy meeting his new pup for the first time from r/aww

© Imgur via Reddit/suspirio

12. 友達同士から夫婦になった二人

Yes, it’s possible to move out of the friend zone from r/pics

13. 空港で妻を待つ夫。結婚して何十年たっていても、再会は心浮き立つもの。

The old man who waits for his wife at the airport from r/HumansBeingCute

© Imgur via Reddit/dubzilla92

14. 寄り添って寝る少年と犬

Boy and dog. from r/aww

15. 「3度の流産の後、待ち焦がれていた小さな天使にようやく会えた」

3 miscarriages, 3 years later. We finally get to meet the angel we’ve been longing for. from r/pics



プレビュー画像: © Reddit/Goldilocksdeluxe