





Randomly reunited with my sister tonight after she ran away from home in 2005. from r/pics

2. ご主人を待つ忠犬にそっと傘をさしかける警備員さん

Absolute legend keeping a dog dry while standing in the rain from r/heartwarming

3. 「この3ヶ月間、仕事でホテルに滞在しています。清掃スタッフから素敵なサプライズ。『きれいにしてくれてありがとう』のメッセージとチョコレートです」

Got a nice surprise from the cleaners after staying at a hotel for the past 3 months because of work from r/pics

4. 「19年前の今日、妻とウォータースライダーの列で出会いました。出会った夜と現在の私たち」

19 years ago today, my wife and I met in a waterslide line. Here’s us the night we met and us now. from r/pics

5. 「娘は今日19歳になりました。家にあったロウソクはこれだけでした」

My daughter turned 19 the other day. We had to use the candles we had on hand. from r/pics

6.  4年ぶりに兵役から戻った息子を抱きしめる母親

woman meet her son after 4 years from r/HeartwarmingPics

7. 「スーパーでレジの仕事をしています。小さな女の子が私のところに来て、お守りだと言ってこれをくれました」

Im a Grocery cashier. Little girl comes through my line & gives me this. Said he would keep me safe. from r/pics

8. このUberの運転手は、患者を病院に運び、家族がいなかったので治療が終わるまで待っていました。

Uber driver takes man to hospital then waits with him because he has no family around. (X-post from r/pics) from r/HumansBeingBros


The CEO of my company doing the dishes after buying everyone lunch. This is why I love my job from r/pics


Came home from work to see my wife in her wedding dress. We’ve been married 8 years today. from r/pics

11. 「折れた歯を何年も治療できなかったけど、お金ができて、ようやく治してもらえた!また笑える!」

After years of broken teeth I could pay to get them fixed after 5 visits in June. I can smile again! from r/pics


Just realized I took nearly the same photo on my honeymoon today that my mom took 43 yrs ago on hers from r/pics

13.  「母が初めてYouTubeの動画撮影に挑戦。恥ずかしがり屋でカメラに向かって話すのが苦手な母ですが、とてもがんばった!」

My Mum filming her 1st YouTube vid, she’s always been too shy to talk to the camera but she did it! from r/pics

14.  3人のこどもたちを洗濯カゴのソリに入れて、必死にひっぱるパパ。子ども達の嬉しそうな歓声!

Dad’s Basket Sleigh (X-Post from r/MadeMeSmile from r/HumansBeingCute


プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/HealinMyMind