




1. 「好きなドーナツをひとつ選んでいいよと言ったら…」

I told my kid he could pick one donut. from r/daddit


Can’t find your switch remote? It must be somewhere reasonable like inside your kids ukulele. from r/KidsAreFuckingEvil


My daughter made this out of hot glue and painted it, then lied in wait as I found it. So proud! from r/pics

4. 「12歳の息子は、カーペットを使って裸足で乗れる仕様に自転車を改造した」

My 12 year old son modified his bike with carpet for barefoot riding from r/DiWHY

5. 「娘はいろんな場所にベッドを作る。今日はコストコのコンテナの中で寝てた」

My daughter makes beds in random places. Found her asleep in a Costco tote/container. from r/aww


My 3yo daughter set her chalk up this way &demands it’s a turtle. She made me pet it twice. from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid



I told my 5-year-old he could watch TV as soon as he ate half of his hot dog. from r/funny

9. 「私の経済学のビデオ講義中、ある学生が本棚の後ろに隠れて昼寝していた」

Some kid hid behind a bookshelf and fell asleep during the video in my personal finance class… from r/funny

10.  ABCを覚えたばかりの子どもあるある?!

“Now I know my ABCs, I’ll write them on our SUV” from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

11. 「4歳の甥っ子に昨日の夜中の2時に殺されかけたよ。ストームトルーパーをトイレの入り口の横に置いておくんだから」

My 4 year old nephew about killed me last night at 2 am. He moved his child sized storm trooper into the hall next to the bathroom. from r/funny


My son left with the same left shoes this morning. He ended up making a shoe out of paper and tape at school. I was both mortified and impressed. from r/KidsAreFuckingSmart

13. 「夫は冷蔵庫に少量の食べ残しを入れておくと嫌がる。エイプリルフールに息子は22個の容器に麺を1本ずつ入れた」

My husband hates when there are small quantities of leftovers in the fridge. My son pranked him for April Fools by filling 22 containers, each with one strand of spaghetti. from r/funny


Before/After – My son “maybe dropped Zelda into the Lego box at some point?”… from r/NintendoSwitch

15. 「夕食にフライドチキンを丸ごとひとつ食べていいよと言われた息子。この嬉しそうな顔が最高だった」

My wife gave our son a whole chicken leg last night for dinner, the look of pure joy on his face made my whole day. from r/aww



プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/andyrine