



1. ロブスターの巨大なハサミ、重量2,3kgなり

This ridiculous, nearly five pound lobster claw. from r/mildlyinteresting

2. 全長1,2メートル!長いにも程があるズッキーニ

This is a four foot long tromboncino squash from r/mildlyinteresting

3. まさか、グミベアに化け損なったんじゃ…

Found a Wizard in my Gummy Bear pack from r/mildlyinteresting

4. ニンジン界に現れたエイリアンの親玉のようなお姿…しかもデカイ

I for one welcome our mutant carrot overlords from r/AbsoluteUnits

5. あなた、どちらからいらしたの?

I found a single piece of bicycle shaped pasta in my penne from r/mildlyinteresting

6. エルム街の悪夢に憧れたニンジン

This incredible carrot hand was found while digging juice carrots at our farm today from r/mildlyinteresting

7. デカッ!一粒で十分満足できそうなブラックベリー

Daughter found the largest blackberry I’ve ever seen from r/mildlyinteresting

8. 1個で2度美味しいリンゴ

This apple, which has an apple growing out of it. from r/mildlyinteresting

9. 「ヨッシャーッッツ!」

Jackpot! from r/pics

10. 1枚でサラダボウルが埋まりそうだな

Absolute Unit of a Collard Green from r/AbsoluteUnits

11. 「あんた…三つ子だったんかい…」

I found a tripple Banana from r/mildlyinteresting

12. 親を疑うレベル

One of our chickens laid a really big egg today from r/mildlyinteresting

13. マトリョーシカなミカン

Todays clementine had an almost perfect mini clementine inside… from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 1回の料理じゃ使い切れないデカさ

This giant clove of garlic from r/mildlyinteresting

15. 「おめでとう!4つ子ちゃんですよ!」

I had a quadruple mini banana this morning from r/mildlyinteresting

16. よし、これを首飾りに…

These gummybears came stuck together in the bag. from r/mildlyinteresting



プレビュー画像: © reddit/NeedCoffee214 © reddit/WaxFaster