







How it started, How it’s going. My son struggling to stay alive with an oxygen halo in the NICU. Born with club foot and water on his brain,doctors were not sure he would ever walk, talk, or even survive.18 years later he has graduated,walks,creates music and lives a very happy life! from r/MadeMeSmile


A moment with my autistic brother. We used to play with this beanie baby every night. from r/pics


My 11 Month old Son just came off his ventilator this morning following a ruptured brain aneurysm 12 days ago. He’s going to make it to his first birthday on Christmas Eve!! from r/MadeMeSmile

5.  「自分の昔の写真を見るといつも驚いてしまう。あきらめなければ、たくさんのことを達成できるよ!」

Looking at old photos of myself never fails to amaze me… I’ve come a loooong way. Never give up!! from r/MadeMeSmile

6.  「自分が作ったレゴ作品を誇らしげに見せる息子」

My son feeling proud about the LEGO set he just built. from r/pics

7. 「1985年に兄が生まれた時、母は同じテディベアを2体買った。左は30年間兄のものだったテディベア。右はきょう生まれた兄の第1子のために母がとっておいたもの」

Mothers are The Most Thoughtful from r/MadeMeSmile


I deliver Amazon part-time. Final stop last night and this women comes out, “Wait I have something for you! I made baby yoda cookies.” from r/MadeMeSmile

9.  「私の子供時代のヒーロー、トニー・ホークが、非言語性自閉症の息子オーディンに会いに来てくれた」

My childhood hero Tony Hawk got the privilege of meeting my adult hero today, My son Odin. from r/pics


My son begged me for this stupid shark at the souvenir shop then photobombed my pic. It’s now my favorite pic from our visit to the Oregon Coast. from r/MadeMeSmile

11.  「何が起きても人生には笑顔になれる瞬間がある。減圧半頭蓋切除術を受け、回復し、君を妻と呼べることになったことを誇らしく思う」

No matter what life has given us, we’ve always found something to smile about. I’m proud to finally call you my wife. from r/MadeMeSmile

12. 「今日、僕のパートナーは6回のがんの化学療法を終えた。大変な道のりを本当によく頑張ったね」

Today my partner completed her 6th, and last, round of chemo! It’s been a tough road, and she is VERY proud of herself! from r/MadeMeSmile

13. 「今日、この小さな女の子が私の娘になる。養子縁組の日おめでとう!!」

Today is the day this little lady becomes my daughter. Happy adoption day!!! from r/MadeMeSmile

14. 「12年前はホームレスでした。今日私は家主になります」

12 years ago I was homeless. Today I’m a homeowner. from r/MadeMeSmile

15. 「10年前にここに引っ越して以来、妻はホワイトクリスマスを待ちわびていた」

My wife has been waiting for snow on Christmas or Christmas Eve since we moved east 10 years ago 🙂 from r/happy


After several spontaneous abortions the doctors told us that the chances for us to get pregnant was extremely small. We still did it and I’m crying with happiness now. from r/MadeMeSmile

17. 「私たちの最初のクリスマスと14回目のクリスマス」

Our 1st Christmas together and our 14th Christmas together! from r/pics

18. 「手術の後、術後鬱で何週間も落ち込んで、ひどい状態だった。夫は私の足を剃ってくれて、髪をセットして、パジャマを脱ぐのを手伝ってくれた。彼をとても愛している」

I had the post-surgery blues and have just felt unattractive for weeks. My husband shaved my man legs for me and it motivated me to fix my hair and get out of PJ’s. I love him so much. from r/MadeMeSmile


プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/Timfrostyo