





1. 「この子のオナラ意外、何も聞こえない!!」

This is a new low. And no, I can’t hear the ocean. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

2. ゴロッ…チラッ…っとやってきます、私が仕事ばかりに集中していると

My dog when I’m not giving him attention from r/aww

3. おいおい、このペン、キミのガジガジ用じゃないんだゼ…?

Got a new cat pencil for finals from r/aww

4. ここで眠らせておくことが私が仕事に集中できる唯一の方法なのだ!

A very attention seeking kitten means that this is the only way I can get work done!! from r/aww

5. 「お仕事中、失礼しますご主人様、あのぅ、6267回目のボール投げをお願いできますでしょうか?」

Please would you throw the ball for the 6.267th time? from r/aww

6. なぜか私の注意をひきたい時はいつも靴下をばら撒く我がニャンコ

My cat brings me socks whenever I don’t pay attention to her to try to win my approval. from r/aww

7. なんかアンニュイに食べ物をねだるボーイフレンドのワンコ

My boyfriends dog got tired while begging for food. from r/aww

8. うわっ飛び出す絵本?!じゃない、うちの猫でした

Apparently im not giving him enough attention. from r/aww

9. 耳で本が読めないよ〜!💦

This is Lily. She hates it when I study because all of the attention is not on her. from r/aww

10. 世界の支配者のように仕事する私を見下す我が猫

Friend: what is your cat doing up there? Me: don’t acknowledge him, he’s just trying to get attention and I won’t play his game from r/aww

11. 常に手を繋いでいてあげないと不安で仕方ないんだって

My dog gets nervous unless you hold her hand. from r/aww

12. カーテンを叩き落とし、それで遊び始めた我が猫…私が嫌がってるのを見ながら(ワナワナ

Ripped the curtains down, looked me directly in the eye – and started playing with them. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

13. どもども〜これがほんとの袖マウスっす〜

I see your shoulder mouse and raise my sleeve mouse! from r/aww

14. 骨盤サポートチェアが流行ってるって言うけど…我が家のは首サポートキャット?!

I’m pretty convinced that I have the world’s clingiest cat. He loves to be picked up, kissed, held, and above all he loves taking naps on my lap. This is what happens when I tell him he can’t sit on my lap while I’m trying to work. from r/cats

15. 本当の勝者は…このコ💓

He’s definitely winning ❤️ from r/aww

