





1. 「キャンドル1本にこの超ロングプチプチ!」



All this non recyclable packaging used to send copper tubing. 20 envelopes for 20 pieces when all could easily fit into one. from r/mildlyinfuriating

3. 「ストロー個別包装」

“We WaNt LeSs PlAsTiC.” Plastic straws individually wrapped in plastic then put in a plastic bag. I think this is where this belongs? from r/facepalm

4. 「現代アートと見せかけて…実は今朝届いた省エネランプの梱包」

5. 商品よりも梱包費のほうが高そう

All this packaging for this little item… from r/CrappyDesign

6. マスキングテープをわざわざ個別梱包

During their mating season, the masking tape must be separated to avoid unnecessary violence. from r/EgregiousPackaging

7. 「ドラムスティックを複数購入したら、個別に大きな梱包で届いた」

I ordered three pairs of drumsticks from amazon. They all showed up separately in boxes way bigger than necessary. from r/mildlyinfuriating

8. 「おい、ちょっと待て…」

I received a large package from Amazon today from r/funny

9. 「フフフ…まさかティーバック2箱に気泡シート9メートルとはな…」


10. 意味あるの?

Destroying the planet one apple at a time from r/mildlyinfuriating

11. 錠剤一粒にこの包装

Gas station packaging for one dose from r/CrappyDesign

12. 「フライパンのサイズを間違えた注文したのかと焦る箱のデカさ」

Buddy bought two mini cast irons from Amazon from r/EgregiousPackaging

13. 「猫砂にこの梱包」

50 feet of paper for 1 bag of kitty litter (read the box flap subcaption) from r/EgregiousPackaging

14. 「インクカートリッジ6個が仰々しく届いた」

My Dell order of six ink cartridges arrived today from r/mildlyinfuriating

15. 「常用する薬の15日分のサンプルの包装」

My new insurance refuses to pay for meds I’ve been on for years. My doc gets free samples and gives them to me. This is the packaging for 15 days of pills. from r/mildlyinfuriating

16. 「こんな小さなラベルにこの梱包…正気?」

17. 「過剰梱包の箱の中に鎮座するバッテリー」

Excessive packaging for a battery I ordered online from r/mildlyinfuriating

18. 「ネジを購入したら大量の緩衝材プラ袋に包まれて届いた」

You think Amazon is bad at packaging? This is how our shop received 700 DISPOSABLE screws this morning from the supply warehouse. Individually packaged, with plastic thread protectors. from r/assholedesign

19. 「どう考えても大きすぎでしょ」

Amazon, I don’t think the box was big enough. from r/funny

20. 「同じ業者に大口発注したら、50商品それぞれ個別に追跡番号付きで配送してきた」

Ordered a bulk order on Amazon from a single seller. They sent each item in their own individual envelope with their own individual tracking number – 50 items in 50 envelopes. from r/mildlyinfuriating



プレビュー画像: ©️instagram/loonybytch, ©️instagram/bigfishdesign