




1. 「恥」などという文字など、彼の辞書にはない

I have no shame from r/funny

2. 「とりあえずポップコーンは全部頂いたぜ」

My cousin’s hamster after eating a ton of popcorn from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

3. 「テラリウムよりもこっちのほうが温かくて気に入ったらしい」

This little man made himself at home while I cleaned his enclosure. He didn’t want to let go when I was finished, I guess he enjoyed my warmth! from r/aww

4. 「パイクス山で手に手を取ってプロポーズの瞬間を妹が激写」

My sister accidentally caught this Pikes Peak proposal on camera from r/funny

5. 真夜中の訪問者: 暴走編〜鳥餌ポールの試練〜

That’s a weird looking bird! from r/funny

6. もしや新雪のサクサク感を楽しんでいるのか…?

This pigeon’s path in the snow from r/mildlyinteresting

7. 「カメレオンがリュックに紛れ込んでくる」

The way my chameleon hides on my military backpack from r/mildlyinteresting

8. 一番いい笑顔してる

The look on that seals face from r/pics

9. 犬「ここ4週間ずっと、朝食とランチはこの子と一緒」

This little dude and I have had breakfast/lunch together everyday for the last 4 weeks, always bring him something to eat and he just sits next to me for my entire break at work. My dude. from r/AnimalsBeingBros

10. 犬は川の中から全てを見ていた…

Didn’t realize until after I looked at the photo.. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

11. 車のクラクション vs カモメ、全然動じてない…

Heard some honking in the parking lot. This guy was having a face off with a seagull from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

12. プライバシーとは、何か?

Privacy? What’s that? from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

13. 22キロの犬のベッドを3キロのチワワが強奪

My 7lb chihuahua kicked my 50lb cattle dog out of her bed. from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

14. …もう痴漢にしか見えない

This one picture has so much raw emotion from r/funny

15. 「どうやらエビたちの怪しげな儀式を目撃してしまったようだ」

I think I accidentally walked into some kind of shrimp ritual from r/FunnyAnimals

16. ケツ筋アピールが激しいヒトデ

Ever seen starfish tush? from r/FunnyAnimals

17. バレエポーズでボールキャッチに挑戦する犬

Picture of my dog trying to catch a ball or the sassiest turn ever. Only he knows. from r/FunnyAnimals

18. 「家の中をお散歩中に行方不明に…と思いきや、芋とまったりしてた」

Let him wander around the house. Thought I lost him but he was next to the potatoes from r/aww

19. 「毎年、育児を手伝ってもらうためにヒナを引き連れてやって来るガチョウのママ。今年は13羽も連れてご登場」

Every year this mama duck brings her babies to my house and I help her take care of them. This morning I opened my door to 13 new peeping fluff balls. from r/aww

20. 新しいオモチャをもらい、15分が経過

Only had his new toy 15 minutes… from r/AnimalsBeingJerks


動物たちの面白画像記事はこちらからも是非お楽しみください ↓

プレビュー画像: © Reddit/doge_universe