




1. じ、事件現場😱…じゃなくて、ジャム盗み食いして昼寝してただけ

Just taking a nap after eating all the strawberry jam

2. 食器洗いブラシ泥棒

My dog stole the head of a dish brush. from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

3. 雪解けと共に、ソックス紛失事件の謎が解けた…(バレたって顔してる😂)

And with the melting snow, the Mystery of the Missing Socks was solved. from r/pics

4. 「車で外出するとき、なぜ私だけが鍵を持っていて自分は持っていないのか不思議がる愛犬のために、愛犬専用の鍵をプレゼント。今ではドライブするとき必ずマイ鍵を持参してる」

This is Billie. She never understood why I had a set of keys to bring in the car and she didn’t. I got her a set of her own and now she insists on bringing them anytime we go for a drive! from r/aww

5. 「虹彩萎縮のため視覚が敏感な15歳の愛犬。愛用の専用ゴーグル着用写真がこちら」

My 15 year old Chihuahua has very sensitive eyes due to iris atrophy. Here she is in her “doggles.” I smile at this photo on an hourly basis. Hope it has the same effect for others. from r/aww

6. すでにインストラクター並の風格なヨガ犬


7. 「くっ…なんの、これしきの風、ぐぬぬ…」


8. 「主役の座はもろたで!」

What? You’re not going to include me? from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

9. めっちゃ強気

Im a MONSTERR!!!! from r/aww

10. 「愛犬のラブラドールのために塀に覗き&匂い嗅ぎ穴を開けてあげた友人」

My friend made holes in his gate so Gus the Labrador can see and sniff from r/funny

11. ダックスフンドのための日向ぼっこスポット

The perfect spot from r/aww

12. カプッ

It fits from r/funny

13. 牛「お仲間?」

Same same from r/aww

14. 寝相はママ譲り

That’s a lotta derps from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

15. 特徴押さえてる愛犬タトゥー

The perfect tattoo doesn’t exi… from r/aww

16. 犬が夢中になる名作

My pup a year ago from r/aww



プレビュー画像: © Imgur/esberat © reddit/u/superTrolle1