




1. なぜそこに入り込むのか


Our dog was hiding under the sofa, so we had to turn it on it’s side to stop her. Shortly after, we found her like this… from r/funny

2. 離れ業がスゴイ


3. 後ろ足を咥える変な癖がある犬

My friend’s dog has a strange habit…

4. 木登りがお好きな犬

This is my dog, Bella. She climbs trees. :3 from r/aww

5. 狭いところに入ってご満悦な柴

dat Shiba Smile… and he reads! from r/aww

6. 犬専用出会い系サイトがあれば、プロフィール写真は多分こんな感じ

This would be my dogs tinder profile picture from r/funny

7. 「キャンプでテントを設営中にふと見ると、犬がこんな顔でドヤってた」

Out camping a few weekends back and while setting up the tent, I look over at my girlfriend’s dog and see this from r/aww

8. この顔…領有権を主張してるな

If I fits I sits. from r/aww

9. イタズラや怒られることしたとき、いつもこの顔になる愛犬

Every time my dog does something bad, I get this stupid face. from r/aww

10. ボール1個だけじゃ足りない!欲張りなワンコ

I’m 18,624 points from Glorious, so here’s a picture of my dog with two balls in his mouth.

11. 椅子に座ってご満悦なワンコ

When he sits in a chair, he becomes a shapeless blob of fur and legs from r/aww

12. きっと前世は猫…

Smug dog scoffs at your attempts to contain him from r/pics

13. 本人犬はご満悦だけど…


This happy dog was stuck in the mud and had to be pulled out. from r/aww

14. とりあえずチャレンジ


This is my dog trying to fit through the cat door. from r/aww

15. ブランコでご満悦の柴


プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/TheDhan ©Youtube/evilkebab