




1. 双子のように育つ赤ちゃんと犬

A Baby and his dog from r/MadeMeSmile


My oldest has been battling a cold. 95 lbs of lap puppy to the rescue. Such a good boy from r/aww

3. 「生まれたばかりの息子を病院から連れて帰って、ビーグル犬を見せた時はドキドキした。でも2人はすぐに親友になった。オリバーと愛犬ソフィーです」

We were so nervous to bring our newborn son home to meet our beagle. Best friends right away. Reddit, meet Oliver and his doggo Sophie from r/aww

4. 「今日は愛犬の4歳の誕生日。娘はお小遣いを全部使ってステーキを買いました」

It’s my dogs 4th birthday, my daughter spent all her pocket money buying her a steak. from r / aww

5. 「息子と彼の子犬。二人は親友」

My son and his puppy – they can’t get enough of each other. from r / aww

6. 「立つのもやっとだった18歳の老犬。でもクレアが生まれてからというもの、何時間でも見守ってくれている」

My dog ​​is 18, has trouble standing. Since Clare was born, he stands for hours watching. Good boy from r / pics

7. 「忠実で寛大でちょっとやんちゃな娘の親友」

She’s loyal, protective, and goofy. Meet my daughter’s best friend! from r / aww

8.  「姪っ子と新しい子犬はもうすっかり仲良し。柄も同じだ!」

My brother’s daughter and new puppy are already best buds, they even have matching outfits! from r / aww

9. 「6年間の友情」

6 years of friendship from r / aww


My moms rescue dog Rico is best friends with my baby. I interrupted them watching Peppa Pig. from r / aww

11. 「私の息子は自閉症でいつも誰かとの接触が必要。バーブは快くブランケットとボディガード役を引き受けてくれた」

My son has autism and one of his unique trait, is his need for physical contact at all times. Barb came into our lives and elected herself to the position of weighted blanket & bodyguard. from r / AnimalsBeingBros


My dog ​​thinks my daughter is his baby. They love each other so much. This is how they fell asleep yesterday during nap time ❤️ from r / aww


My daughter has a huge heart for dogs and begged for months to get another rescue. She even used all her money to pitch in for the fees. Here she is with our third rescue pupper, Daisy. from r / aww

14. 「数カ月前に亡くなったグリフィン。息子はグリフィンがどれほど自分を愛していたか知らないだろう」

Had to put my dog ​​down a few months ago. My son will never know how much Griffin loved him. from r / pics

15. 「老犬が人間の赤ちゃんを可愛がるのは知っていたけど、娘をこんなに可愛がってくれるなんて、うれしくて胸がいっぱい」

I knew my senior dog loved babies, but seeing him love my daughter makes my heart burst. from r / aww


So, Cassidy (my daughter) was snuggling Elsa (our rescue pup) under her hoodie. I walked into the room and asked “Where’s Elsa?” Well, Elsa tried to get to me ….. guess which hole of the hoodie she tried to use ?? ??????? from r / aww


8 months ago, our son got a support dog. Our son was mostly wheelchair dependent. We hoped his dog would help him grow stronger. I think we can conclude that together they succeeded! from r / dogswithjobs


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