




1. 花火の音を聞いてお風呂に入ってきたラルフ。怖い時は飼い主さんと一緒にいたいよね。

2. 電車に乗ると、つぶらな瞳のワンコが覗いてました。

On the train and saw this friendly face from r/aww

3. 窓辺に可愛いお客さん。

There’s a good boy at my window from r/aww

4. 「毎週月曜日は門でゴミ収集車を待つウォルター。だって、たっぷりの愛情とおやつをくれる友達が来るんです」

This is Walter. Walter waits by the front gate every Monday for his friends the binmen, who always shower him with love and treatos. 11/10 patient boy from r/aww

5.  「近くの農場では鶏たちが同じ小屋に集まって眠りたがるので困っていたら、ある晩、犬まで仲間入りしていた」

A local farm where I live had trouble with their flock all wanting to sleep in the same house, each night they have to go break them up. The other night they found their dog had joined in from r/funny

6. 「『君をうちの子にするよ』と言った時の子犬の表情」

Our foster puppy when we told her we were adopting her from r/aww

7.  絶対、自分がかわいいと知ってる!あざといけど抗えない!

No one ever going to ignore that look. from r/aww

8.  犬が大好きなニャンコ

Love you dog from r/aww

9. 「お隣さんとは面識もないけど、犬たちとはすっかり仲良し」

I haven’t met my new neighbor yet, but her dogs love me from r/aww

10. ハスキーと猫は天敵って誰が言ったの?

Don’t get a kitten and a husky they said… from r/rarepuppers

11. プーさんなしでは生きていけない!

Doesn’t matter how badass you are, sometimes ya just need your pooh bear from r/aww

12.  「犬が大好きな娘。シェルターからもう1匹犬を引き取りたいと何ヶ月も前から相談されていた。結局、自分のおこづかいで手数料を支払い、彼女の3匹目の犬のデイジーを引き取った」

My daughter has a huge heart for dogs and begged for months to get another rescue. She even used all her money to pitch in for the fees. Here she is with our third rescue pupper, Daisy. from r/aww


This happens every time I get audibly frustrated. He’s a therapy dog at heart. from r/aww

14. 誇り高き芸術家

Artist doggo from r/rarepuppers

15. 「私の犬は犬のデイケアに通っている。うちの子はシャボン玉が好きらしい。今日こんな写真をもらった」

My dog goes to daycare. They told me he loves bubbles. Today, this picture was on his report card. from r/aww


プレビュー画像: ©Twitter/dog_rates