




1. フォトショップで美肌加工していることを堂々公開

Love this honesty!!! from r/Instagramreality

2. スリムに見せる座りテク

She might have been posted on here before, but I love how this influencer shows how easily you can manipulate a picture just by posing. She’s hilarious as well! from r/Instagramreality

3. メイクの力、ビフォー&アフター

The power of make-up from r/Instagramreality

4. セルライトに肉割れも堂々公開!

Influencer being real & opening up about insecurities with her body from r/Instagramreality

5. 調子のいい日と悪い日

This insta-girl posts pics on both ”good” and ”bad” days and gives no fuck about it. I love it from r/Instagramreality

6. セルライトだって実はある

Sanity Sunday: Celebrating cellulite – mad respect for this fitness influencer from r/Instagramreality

7. ポージングで全然違う

Instagram model keeping it real from r/Instagramreality

8. イケてる角度とそうでない角度

i like most of the posts in this sub but i’ve seen so many post where its clear that the comparison pictures looks different because of angles and not photoshop. i know from personal experience that i look good or bad depending on the angles and lighting. i feel like many people can agree with me. from r/Instagramreality

9. 産後垂れたお腹も隠さない

I primarily follow runners on insta. I thought you all would appreciate her photos. from r/Instagramreality

10. 決めポーズとそうでないポーズ

My friend is absolutely stunning and does professional modelling, but she does post unflattering photos to prove that you don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful and to show that every body has flaws, even if you can’t usually tell! from r/Instagramreality

11. 刻まれたストレッチマーク

Body positive influencer showing off her stretch marks from r/Instagramreality

12. どちらも本当の私

Sanity Sunday: Stunning both ways and so refreshing to see. from r/Instagramreality

13. 3秒で劇的変化

Unposed vs posed. A 3 second transformation from r/Instagramreality

14. 引っ込めたお腹も出したお腹も、どちらも私

She keeps it 100% real, and I love it. from r/Instagramreality

15. 全ては角度次第

It’s all about the angels from r/Instagramreality



プレビュー画像: © Reddit/finella7