





1. 「うちの6歳児が先程からやたらと『ねえトイレ行かなくていいの?』と聞いてくる理由が分かった」

My 6 yr old son had been asking me over and over, “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” and I just found out why. from r/funny

2. 「大きなバンドエイドを見つけたと得意そうな息子」

My son thinks he found the bandaids… from r/funny

3. 「ハンガーから外して試着したらダメ、と娘に言ったらこうなった」

I told my daughter she couldn’t take clothes off the hangers and try them on so I got this…

4. 本人もヤバイことしたの分かってる顔

Didn’t get a picture of the 25-30 pounds of rice he pretty evenly spread all over the kitchen floor the other day, but checked up on him half way through Disney’s Cars 2 to find this… from r/funny

5. 両親も真っ青

This is 3 year old me, do I need to go into detail? from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

6. 「部屋を片付けるように言ったら…」

Told my son to clean his room… from r/funny

7. 「お掃除楽しんでね!」だと

8. 「茹で卵を更にレンジで加熱、見事に卵を爆発させた息子」

“Mum, I’m going to boil an egg to have on toast” Me yelling back from the bathroom “Just give me a sec & I’ll show “BOOM”…. Wtf was that?” My son had got an already boiled egg out of the fridge to boil in the microwave. Where in the hell did he get this idea? (He didn’t know it was boiled prior) from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

9. 「着替えてガーデニングのお手伝いしてと頼んだら、この格好で登場」

This is my son, I asked him to get clothes on to help me do yard work and he came out dressed like this…

10. 鮮やかな黄色が目に染みるぜ…

Mom! I made scrambled eggs! from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

11. 「どうやら前の座席に小さな子供がいるようだ」(子供だといいね…)

So apparently there’s a little kid in front of us on this flight… from r/funny

12. 「4歳児のお手製チーズサンドイッチ」

My four year-old made himself a cheese sandwich… SMH from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

13. ニコッからの…

Make a wish from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

14. 子供が描いてくれたスペースシャトルのタトゥー

Blasting off at the speed of light from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

15. 「学校を病欠するために赤ペンで水疱瘡を偽装した当時8歳の私」

Me when I was 8, I thought I would ditch school by drawing “chicken pox” on my face with red marker from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

16. 5歳児から心のこもった母の日ギフト

Happy Mother’s Day from a 5-year old

17. 「自分の腕を噛んでギャン泣き」

He’s crying because his bit his own arm from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

18. 上手に隠れているつもり…

when you’re an ostrich trapped in a 5-year-old kid’s body. from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

19. とりあえずケーキは独り占めできそうだ

No explanation needed from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


制御不可!お子様大暴走自粛生活中 無邪気に親を追い詰める「恐るべき子供たち」15画像、子育ての悩みは世界共通クスッと笑える子育てあるあるも是非ご覧ください。

プレビュー画像: ©Imgur via Reddit/jzytaruk