



1. 多分一生忘れない2004年の出来事…

Almost 12 years ago my Dad caught a picture so rare that no one believed us when we told them. Today I finally found the picture to prove it… from r/pics

2. 純白のドレスに…多分一生恨まれるやつ

Bridal shower from r/PerfectTiming

3. 左手から着水

Jesus breakdancing for his friends, Xpost/r/funny from r/PerfectTiming

4. とりあえず着陸

It’s a bad day when from r/funny

5. 涙目になるよね

What happens when you forget to roll your window up before a snowstorm. from r/pics

6. なぜそうなった?

oops from r/funny

7. 我が子の野球スキルを見誤った結果…

This photo is legendary in my family. A snapshot right before my mom was hit by a baseball. from r/PerfectTiming

8. 嵐の予感

Moments before the storm from r/funny

9. 手に取るように伝わる当時の様子

Kid on the scooter had a bad day. from r/funny

10. ときすでに遅し

Fuck. I should have moved my car… from r/funny

11. ガリガリガリガリッ!

I live in a town where I have been waiting for this to happen for almost 24 years…Today, it finally happened!!!

12. 噴射!

Fuck this kid in particular. from r/funny

13. 「冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせば美味しくなるとレシピには書いてあった…」

Bake bread they said… an overnight rise will taste so good they said… put in the fridge they said… it’s so a rewarding hobby they said… from r/Wellthatsucks

14. 心の声: 「オワタ」

Very funny guys! from r/Wellthatsucks

15. 完璧すぎる瞬間!

Perfect Shot from r/Wellthatsucks
