





A few weeks ago the washer stopped running the spin cycle so all the clothes were coming out soaked. Then today this happened… from r/Wellthatsucks

2. 「体重計がコロナ太りの私にうんざりしたみたい」

I guess my scale was tired of my Covid eating habits from r/Wellthatsucks

3. 「昨日、飲酒運転の車にぶつけられた」

Got smacked by a drunk driver yesterday. from r/Wellthatsucks


My toddler and I walked to the park …… just to find that the whole playground has been removed :/ from r/Wellthatsucks

5. 「ノートパソコンにアイロンをかけてしまうなんて…」

Who would place an iron on a laptop? from r/Wellthatsucks

6.  「シャワー中に足を滑らせた後の惨状」

Slipped in the shower, landed on the toilet from r/Wellthatsucks


Desk may be messy, but my one and only monitor that I bought just a few months ago broke 🙁 from r/Wellthatsucks

8. 「彼が羽毛枕を洗ってみたんだって…」

Boyfriend tried to wash a down pillow… from r/Wellthatsucks

9. 「天井に雨漏りを発見。ほんの1ヶ月前に1,500ドル(約15万円)で買った新品のPCが浸水。私は学生で、なんとか捻出して買ったのに…。御愁傷様です」

found out that we had a leak in our ceiling after coming downstairs to see my brand new $1500 pc (got it ~month ago) destroyed by water. I’m a college student… that was my college money. Rip from r/Wellthatsucks


My uncle’s car this morning. … from r/Wellthatsucks

11.  「私道をリフォームしたら、宅急便の人がやってきた」

My BF just got his driveway re-done. Fed-Ex came by to deliver a package. from r/Wellthatsucks

12. 「カードの仕分けが完了! で、しまおうとしたら転倒…」

Finished sorting my cards! And then I fell… from r/Wellthatsucks


My neighbors fence fell because it’s hailing so hard from r/Wellthatsucks

14. 地下室に行ったら、まさかの土砂崩れ

Went down to the basement to do laundry… from r/Wellthatsucks

15. 「新しいガラストップのIHヒーターを設置したまさにその日に棚が崩れた」

When your cabinet decides it’s time to break lose and come crashing down the day you install your brand new glass top stove. from r/Wellthatsucks

16. メリークリスマス!

Merry Christmas to the ground from r/Wellthatsucks


プレビュー画像: ©reddit/u/ShadowMoses05 ©reddit/u/Darth_Snoman