





My sumbission for “quality” hotel rooms. Moscow, a month ago. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/sphilippou

2. 「キノコには居心地がいい部屋らしい」

We have a really nice hotel room. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/wonderless2686

3. 「ウェルカムギフトは汚れた下着だった」

My hotel apparently has complimentary dirty underwear service from r/WTF


Do NOT flip over your motel matress from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/iebarnett

5. 「ホテルの部屋のシンクが落ちていた」

Sinkhole just developed in my hotel room from r/pics

© Imgur via Reddit/cobbers83

6. 「チェックインして、このエアコンを見て、すぐチェックアウトした」

Checked in to a hotel and promptly checked out. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/gravityblast10

7. 「チェックイン直後、バスルームのタオルに手形…」

Found this waiting in the bathroom of my new hotel room from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/LunaLoves

8. 「ホテル内のフィットネスルーム」

The fitness room at the hotel I stayed at from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/pinebadger

9. 「弟が中国で泊まったホテルのシャワー」

Shower at the hostel my brother is staying at in China. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/mortoson

10. 「マットレスの下に注射器」

Found this under the mattress in a hotel from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/mind_the_gap


Heat Lamp vs Bathroom Door In My Hotel Room from r/CrappyDesign

© Imgur via Reddit/AkimboJuuls

12. 「節約しようと安宿に泊まったら、シーツの間からこの髪の毛が…」

Stayed in a questionable hotel last night to save money. Found this under the sheets while crawling into bed… Used hair extensions? from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/famousblinkadam

13. 「トイレのレバーに噛み跡」

I generally gauge the quality of the hotel I’m staying at based on the number of bite marks on the toilet flusher. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/airdanada


My hotel room has such a nice view!! Wait a minute… from r/mildlyinfuriating

15. 「ハワイのビーチで1日過ごした後、ホテルの部屋に戻ったいとこが見た光景」“

After a beautiful day at the beach in hawaii, my cousin went back to her hotel room to a pleasant surprise. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/dom_corleone

16. 「ホテルのプール、そう、トイレが泳いでいる」

The pool at my hotel in Birmingham, Alabama. Yes, those are toilets. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/jasonsmithatlanta

17. 「ホテルのコーヒーメーカーは必ずチェックしてから使うべき」

And this is why you check the hotel coffeemaker before you use it…. from r/trashy


AirBNB description said “Views of the main church from the bedroom window”. Technically it was not a lie. from r/ExpectationVsReality

© Imgur via Reddit/Airazzz

19. 「部屋に入ると、すでにベッドで何者かがくつろいでいた」

Walked into my hotel room…….. from r/trashy

20. 「トコジラミだらけのホテルには泊まってはいけない」

Don’t stay in a hotel with bedbugs. from r/WTF

© Imgur via Reddit/mustacheemperor


プレビュー画像: © Imgur via Reddit/sphilippou © Imgur via Reddit/wonderless2686