




1. 「3、4歳の頃の私と父の古い写真を見つけた。父は私がどんなくだらないことを話しても微笑んでくれるので、とても嬉しかった。望んでも子どもを授からなかった両親は、40代になって私を養子にしてくれた。この写真で両親がどれだけ私を大切にしてくれたかが伝わってくる」

I found this old photograph today of me and my father when I was 3/4. His smile at whatever I was babbling about makes me so happy! My parents wanted children for so long and couldn’t, finally adopting me when they were in their 40’s. This picture really shows how much they appreciated me. from r/MadeMeSmile


Every year this mama duck brings her babies to my house and I help her take care of them. This morning I opened my door to 13 new peeping fluff balls. from r/aww

3. 「100歳のシャクナゲの大樹とそれを植えて育てた女性」

Hundred year old flower bush and the woman who planted it. from r/nextfuckinglevel

4. 「近所の人が突然手作りケーキを持ってきてくれた!嬉しい」

My neighbor just brought me round some cake she made out of the blue. It’s amazing. from r/HumansBeingBros

5. 「一人でレストランにきた年配の男性。ウエイターは休憩時間を利用して食事の間そばにいて話を聞いていた」

An older gentleman came alone to eat in a restaurant. He was telling some stories to his waiter, who went on break and joined him during his meal. from r/MadeMeSmile

6.  「1986年。一番小さい女の子が私。医師は両親に私が一生歩けないだろうと言った。両親はその意見を受け入れず、10人の医師を回った。10人目の医師が私の脚の矯正をしてくれて、この写真を撮った翌日、私は最初の一歩を踏み出した」

1986. I’m the baby. Doctors told my parents I’d never walk. They didn’t listen and demanded a 10th opinion. That 10th doctor put leg braces on me and I took my first steps the day after this picture was taken. from r/MadeMeSmile

7. 「今日、私は父親になった!」

Today I became a dad ! from r/MadeMeSmile

8. 「43歳になるオウムのアマゾンは、一年以上の訓練を経て、今日初めて私の腕にのった!」

After over a year of training, my 43 yr. old Amazon has finally stepped up to my arm for the first time!!! from r/parrots

9. 「昨晩、流星雨の中でプロポーズされて、イエスと言いました!さあ結婚式の準備だ!」

He proposed under the meteor shower last night. I said yes! Time to plan a wedding! from r/MadeMeSmile

10. 「カナダのハミルトンの混雑したバスの中で、ハンディキャップのある見知らぬ人に手を握らせてあげる男性」

Man allows special needs person he doesn’t know to hold his hand on a crowded bus in Hamilton, Canada. from r/HumansBeingBros

11. 「カフェで本を読んでいたら、この男性が、怪我をしたスズメを手に、最寄りの獣医をネットで探しているのを見た」

Was reading at a coffee shop and saw this guy looking up vet services for an injured sparrow he had just found. from r/HumansBeingBros

12.  「車椅子の女性の夫が食事できるように、代わりに女性の食事を手伝うウェイター」

Waiter helping to feed disabled lady so her husband can finish his meal. Good job good man. from r/pics

13. 「数週間前に愛犬が旅立った。数日前に彼の遺灰を受け取ったことで、彼の死を受け入れることができ、気持ちに区切りがついた。とても寂しいけど、私たちは元気。ほろ苦い気持ちだけど、それでも笑顔になれた。写真は陽だまりでお昼寝している彼」

a few weeks ago, my dog had to be put down. a few days ago, we got his ashes, and making peace with his passing has gotten much easier. i still miss him, but i’m okay now, and so is he. this is more bittersweet than purely happy but it still made me smile. enjoy the picture of him sunbathing 🙂 from r/MadeMeSmile


My grandma was worried I have lost weight (I am on a diet!) so told me she had got me a “few bits of food”. This was what she gave me! from r/MadeMeSmile

15. 「この小さなコウモリが天井の穴を通って屋根裏部屋から私の家に飛び込んできた。猫に捕まる前に見つけられてよかった。逃がしてあげました」

This little guy flew into my house from the attic, through a hole in the ceiling. Luckily for him, I found him before the cat did. Released safely from r/HumansBeingBros



プレビュー画像: © Reddit/Michelle_ma_belle16