




1. 「この子が欲しいものはたっぷりの愛情、それだけ」

Rescued good girl wants all the love from r/aww

2. 「母ウサギに耳を食べられてしまったウサギを引き取りました」

Just rescued another bunny. Momma ate his ears so he’s now earless. Everyone meet Skip Evander-Holyfield from r/Rabbits

3. 引き取られた直後の元捨て猫、まだ哀しそうな顔…これから幸せになってね

This cat was abandoned and this is his photo minutes after being rescued from r/MadeMeSmile

4. 「16歳の元保護犬。これはオヤツをもらえるのが分かってる時の顔」

This is Louie, our adopted 16-year old pupper! He makes this face when he is about to get treats. from r/aww

5. 「生後10ヶ月の犬の新たな引き取り手が見つからなければ、近日中に安楽死させられてしまう…それを知ってすぐに車で迎えに行った親友。引き取り直後の新米飼い主と新米ペット」

My best friend got a text saying that a 10 month old dog would be put down in a couple of days unless someone adopted him. Immidiately got in his car and picked up Baloo. They bonded at first sight from r/dogpictures

6. 「昨日引き取った子猫。もしやミーアキャットなのでは…?」

Yesterday I adopted a kitten but I think they gave me a meerkat from r/aww

7. 「保護施設で5年間暮らしたこの子。これから一緒に楽しい思い出つくろうね」

He spent 5 years in a rescue shelter. I will make sure he has the best 5 years with us from now on. from r/aww

8. 「ゴミ屋敷から救出された当初、体毛は抜け落ち皮膚は炎症を起こしてボロボロ、怯えきっていたルチア。今ではフワフワのちょいポチャなハッピードッグに」

Lucia was skinny and mangy and naked and itchy and scared when rescued from a hoarder. Now she’s fluffy and happy and dare I say it a bit plump. Rescued by Good Karma in Florida from r/BeforeNAfterAdoption

9. 「おもちゃを投げてもらうのを待っている愛猫アリエッティ。多分、前世は犬に違いない」

This is little Arietty, patiently waiting for me to throw her toy. I am starting to suspect that we may have adopted a doggo! from r/aww

10. 保護施設から自宅へ、助手席からの可愛すぎる表情

Just adopted this dude. His name is Tucker and he is good boye. from r/rarepuppers

11. 「精神的な不安症状のためいつもなにか咥えたがる元保護犬の愛犬におしゃぶりをプレゼント。なんて可愛いの」

Golden Retriever rescue with a lot of anxiety – he likes to just hold toys in his mouth so I had to get him this one. It’s too damn cute ❤️ from r/aww

12. 保護施設から自宅へ、期待に満ちた嬉しそうな顔!

Finn’s loving life after being adopted yesterday! Took this photo before the drive home. from r/PuppySmiles

13. 「今日引き取った2匹の子猫。先住犬との相性を夫は心配してたけど…杞憂に終わったみたい」

We adopted a pair of kittens today. My husband was a little worried about how they’d do with our dog.. He’s no longer concerned. from r/aww

14. 「今日引き取った子犬。車を見ると施設に戻されるのかと思ってビクビクしてたけど、新しいベッドで気持ちよさそうに寝てる」

We adopted a puppy today. He’s terrified of the car because he thinks we’re taking him back to the shelter. But he loved bedtime. from r/aww



プレビュー画像: © reddit/UnlikelyFix © reddit/arose940