






1. 牙を二つ持つ猫

Doubled fangs of a kitten.

2. 多趾症の猫の後ろ足。

3. おデコから尻尾が生えているユニコーンわんこ。

This puppy born with an extra tail on his face from r/aww

4. 「4つの耳と1つの目を持って生まれたパーフェクトな猫フランキー」

Frankie was born with four ears and an eye deformity but he’s still purrfect from r/aww

5. 「生まれつき顔の一部が黒い愛犬エンゾ。宇宙一珍しいゴールデンレトリバーだと信じてる!」

This is Enzo, he was born with a rare skin condition causing a lil black freckle to appear on his face. Believed to be the rarest Golden Retriever on the planet. from r/animaloddities

6. 全身ハート柄の鶏。

This unique chicken with heart patterns in its plumage from r/aww

7. フワフワ尻尾を2本持つ猫。

8. 「二つに分かれた鼻を持つリバティ。でも全然問題もなく、ユニークで可愛い個性だと思ってる!」

This is Liberty, she has what I believe is “Split Nose Mutation” it appears at birth and doesn’t compromise her in any way. I think this makes her unique and utterly adorable! from r/aww

9. 「指が26本ある多指症の愛猫」

My cat is polydactyl and has 26 toes. So I named him Toes. from r/aww

10. 2色の瞳を持つ犬。

My fluffy little genetic defect from r/aww

11. 意外なところからニョッキリおまけの牙が生えている猫。

At work today we literally had a mutant cat come through… Extra canine tooth, strongly rooted. from r/WTF

12. 茶色と黒の体毛、一つの個体内に異なる遺伝情報持つキメラの犬。

This good boy is a chimera, which is an animal that is genetically two animals, in this case he’s a yellow and black lab. This means he is twice the good boy. (Not my picture, found on Facebook) from r/aww

13. 顔面重複奇形で二つの顔を持つ猫フランクとルイ。通常二つの顔を持つ「ヤヌス猫」は生後数日しか生きられないため、15歳まで生きたフランクとルイを世界最高齢のヤヌス猫としてギネス登録されました。

Amelia and her two faced cat from r/WTF

14. 耳のある場所に第二の口を持つ犬。

Awesome! Doggie has a mouth in her ear Heather Hernandez adopted her dog, Toad, from the Animal Welfare shelter in Oklahoma, United States. When she became part of her family, she was sure that something special was there. from u/Chapoisat

15. タキシードスタイルから白斑で白猫へと変化しつつある愛猫エリー。でも本人はいたって元気でハッピー!

This beautiful cat is Elli, she was born with tuxedo markings but since has turned almost completely white due to vitiligo. She’s a happy, healthy and unique kitty. from r/aww


個性輝くユニークな動物シリーズはこちらからも是非どうぞ! ↓

プレビュー画像: ©Imgur/iceage2012, ©Pinterest/Bored Panda