



1. 友の苦難にそっと寄り添う犬の友情

Friendship through the toughest of times from r/aww

2. 「彼女の愛馬に新しい友達ができた」

My girlfriends horse got a new friend from r/aww

3. 「一緒だよ!」

Comforting a friend from r/MadeMeSmile

4. 仲良しコンビ

Unexpected friendships are the best ones from r/aww

5. 友情は種族を超える

family isn’t always blood from r/Eyebleach

6. 赤ちゃん友達

Buddies from r/aww

7. オオカミとグリズリー の自然界が育んだ珍しい友情

“A rare friendship developed between a gray wolf and brown bear.” from r/aww

8. 友と至福のとき

These best friends. Even the look in his eyes is adorable from r/aww

9. 寝るのも一緒

Friendship goals. from r/aww

10. 「ご近所さんが送ってくれた微笑ましい友情写真。ご近所犬が愛犬に挨拶できるよう、お立ち台を準備したらしい」

Our neighbor sent me this adorable display of pure joy between our dogs. They finally got him a stool so he could greet his big friend properly. from r/aww

11. 「波止場周辺をうろついていた野良犬と友情を育んだペリカン。この写真の撮影者に犬が引き取られてからも、毎日友達のペリカンに会いに波止場に通っています」

A pelican befriended a stray dog who was often spotted hanging out all alone along the boat docks. The man who photographed this has adopted him but brings him back every day to see his friend, Petey the Pelican. from r/aww

12. 可愛いペア

The start of an awwesome friendship! from r/aww

13. 友情は体格差をも超える

Little and large from r/aww

14. 仲良きことは美しき哉

Friendship goals from r/MadeMeSmile

15. 親友と一緒にこの笑顔

best buddies from r/aww

16. ダチョウと象、孤児同士の微笑ましい友情

17. 小さい頃からずっと仲良し!

Cheetah and doggo stayed best friends from the start! from r/aww

18. 猫のネズミの世にも美しい友情

My friend’s cat and rat are best buddies from r/aww

19. ちょうどいいフィット感…な仲良しコンビ

Meet Mickey and John, they’re best friends from r/aww

20. 「友達を連れてかないで!」とゴネる子パンダ

Give us back our friend from r/aww


プレビュー画像: ©Reddit/mayaxs ©Reddit/hydowelookback